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  1. B

    Multiple libraries were found

    Hi, I have been working on a drone project for last 4 months and even though within this period never saw this error, after I updated the libraries or bought a new teensy 3.6 (these happened at the same time) the problem - Multiple libraries were found for "Servo.h" - showed up and I cannot...
  2. B

    Serial plotter and monitor don't work while using sbus

    Yes I realized that AIN example is not doing what I trying to do(felt very ignorant :( ). But this code worked perfectly the way I wanted to. Also no needed to use any external hardware. Thank you very much for all of you help.
  3. B

    Serial plotter and monitor don't work while using sbus

    Thank you for your answer, Yes I was using that library(mikeshub) and using with an external hardware as an inverter. I tried your library's examples without using any external hardware but in AIN_SBUS_example I got values of channels that randomly changes and can't controlled by my transmitter...
  4. B

    Serial problem while using SD card

    Hello again, We are trying to read 320kb txt file to a Micro SD card using an Teensy 3.6. I divided my file into 512 byte buffers in C# and every 65 milliseconds write it to SerialPort. But in Teensy same code goes infinity loop while starting serial (while(!Serial){}).When we replace Serial...
  5. B

    Serial plotter and monitor don't work while using sbus

    Hello, I am working on a basic drone project with teensy 3.6. Just started and try to read values from Radiolink at9s pro. I use futaba sbus example and want to see the values of first 4 channels of the transmitter. But according to a youtube channel, I should observe the values in serial...