Search results

  1. D

    Teensy Audio SGTL5000 and Amplifier in one PCB

    Hello, I’m on the hunt for an all-in-one SGTL5000 and Amplofier in one PCB. There are such boards from Adafruit and others. But they don’t use the SGTL5000. I’m all new to audio stuff. Appreciate any input. Thanks!
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    EHEX has EOF twice in the file - Confuses FlasherX

    I've compiled using PlatformIO. I noticed problems when using FlasherX that it wouldn't move the data. Turns out that EHEX has two EOF's for some strange reason. At the end we have the regular EOF but about 200 lines further up there is another EOF. This confuses FlasherX. Should it really be...
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    Teensyduino multiple devices flash at the same time

    Hello all! I know I've seen somewhere a long time ago that Teensyduino in some mode can flash multiple devices at once? Might be that CLI version of it. I am unsure. What I'm after is to flash X devices at once at one computer. Let's just say 20 devices at once or something. Or if it's fully...
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    Call to arms | Teensy + SDRAM = true

    Hello fellow Teensiers. First off, this is only for custom boards! I plan to make the Teensy work with SDRAM. Making custom Teensy boards is something I've done for a while with great success. The forum has been good help and the community we all have here is amazing! To make sure no mistakes...
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    2x PSRAM's only show 8mb with test sketch

    I'm running the test sketch that Paul has linked here: The sketch shows 8mb but I have 2x PSRAM's on the board. From what I understand having 2 PSRAM's should just work automatically(?) I've double checked the soldering as well. I'm out of ideas to try...
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    Teensy Vh (High Threshold) on inputs

    What is the minimum voltage the Teensy can detect HIGH state on an input? Obviously 3.3V is ldea, but if we go lower, what is the lowest voltage that would work? I've tried to search the IMXRT1062 datasheet without finding anything concrete. Thanks!
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    External Flash on custom board

    Hi all! I have an external flash (W25Q128JVPIM) on a custom teensy board. Hooked up just the way it should be (like the 4.1) and running this test sketch: Schematic: Getting: Initializing SPI...
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    Locked Teensy "bricks"

    I have custom desgined boards using the PJRC bootloader and NXP chip, they work very nicely! It was time to test the locking feature so I fired up Arduino and ran through the 4 steps. First creating a new certificate, I then ran the 3 steps to lock it. Every step was successful in the serial...
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    Automatic program mode with bricked flash

    Hi all! I have a program that flashes the device, but in a scenario where the usb connection is lost mid-programming, after the device has erased the flash, if you power down the unit (which happens if usb disconnects). The program can no longer automatically put the device into program mode...
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    MicroMod Custom serial number

    I'm trying to have a custom serial number presented over the USB protocol. It works but there is a small issue. EDIT: Serial numbers are unique and read from the EEPROM at boot. I use this in setup of my code, so it's triggered quite early at boot: extern "C" { struct...
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    Code signing for programs

    I remember @paulstoffregen writing somewhere that he used to buy certificates for code signing. I emailed him about it and he told me to post it here for a writeup that can help everyone. So the mic is yours Paul, how do you sign your programs with the certificate you buy from...
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    Change Teensy name in Windows

    Changing the name of the Teensy in windows is simple, I just change it in the Teensy library "usb_desc.h". But I don't want to alter the library itself. Is there a way to do this in my own sketch? Or can I load the Teensy library manually, having the whole Teensy library in my project as a...
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    Power on/off circuit with forced shutdown has issues.

    I have a Push button circuit that turns on power to my PCB, the MCU on the PCB can shutdown the circuit as the switch is connected to GPIO. ON is done by the circuit itself, OFF is done by software. This works fine and is irrelevant for this question, alltho I wanted to explain the full circuit...
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    Teensy Micromod freeze and timing issues, LVGL, NRF24

    I have this very strange issue. I’m running a Teensy Micromod with a display with Little VGL (LVGL) library for graphics. The display is 8 bit parallel interface, no SPI. And the driver uses DMA on the Teensy. Works very well and I’m using it successfully for other projects as well. But for this...
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    Radiohead NRF24 noob issue

    Hello all! So I've stumbeled across what I view as a noob issue. It's frustrating! So I have this board with an NRF24 transciever on it. Using Paul's fork of Radiohead ( The library itself works just fine. The issue I come across is that the MCU...
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    Teensy 4 ADC to Voltage

    Hello all, I have hit a bit of a snug. Using the ADC library (, I have a voltage divider of R1 (10k), R2 (33k), connected to pin 7. What im trying to do is ofc measure the battery voltage. I have set the resolution to 16 bit and the value I get is 39 from ADC. I'm...
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    Strange behaviour / slowdown issue

    Hello all, Just wanted to generally discuss a very odd problem that me and my friend have come across. I wanna underline that this is not a Teensy issue, more of a paranormal activity issue (lol). Both me and my friend have custom PCB's with Teensy Micromods on them, we both have the exact...
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    FreqMeasure Library - Smooth it out

    Hello fellow Teensy friends, I just tried the FreqMeasure library, where I have a continental Ethanol sensor hooked up, it pulses from 50 - 150hz, but the average values I get fluctuates allot. I'm using the example from here: haven't changed...
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    Teensy Micromod with Ethanol sensor

    Hello! I need some advice regarding an ethanol sensor that outputs up to 5V. Using an Arduino with 5V this is a walk in the park and there is plenty of information online. Teensy is 3.3V so I'm thinking that I need to use a voltage divider on the input pin to protect that pin from getting above...
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    Teensy 4.1 Shematic as file

    Hello, I’m a ESP32 user who’s been wanting to use Teensy for a long time. Teensy for me is truly something amazing. I’ve looked at the schematic available here on PJRC. As I understand it, if I buy the bootloader chip I can have a Teensy 4.1 on my own PCB that I design. So what I’m wondering is...