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  1. L

    Fast slew rate setting on Teensy 4.1

    *cricket noises* Here is an update as I continue to try and solve this problem; I found the IOMUXC_SW_PAD_CTL_PAD_GPIO_B[n]_[o] registers in the NXP DS and I read their default values which are decimal 4272. The LSB is said to control slew rate speed—with 1->fast and 0->slow—so I set the 3...
  2. L

    Fast slew rate setting on Teensy 4.1

    StanfordEE was able to get a beautiful 150 MHz square wave from a Teensy 4.0. All I need is 25 MHz square wave from the Teensy 4.1 but everything I try looks like trash... Here is my code: #define NOP __asm__ __volatile__ ("nop\n\t") #define PIN_A 34 //Pin 34 on Teensy 4.1. GPIO 7.29. #define...