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  1. bitofadummy

    serial communicaton truncated, while also communicating over I2c with mlx90641

    While the above solution did work, since I upgraded Arduino IDE from 1.8.13 to 2.2.1 it stopped working. Is there an other way to enlage the serial buffer on a teensy 4.1? i used to edit the file Hardwareserial3.cpp and edit the RX_buffersize value to 1024. But since the IDE upgrade my teensy...
  2. bitofadummy

    serial communicaton truncated, while also communicating over I2c with mlx90641

    Yes!!! that solved it! I am using AdruinoIDE 1.8.13 And serial 1 was reading truncated strings. but after editing file serial1.c and changing the 64 to 128, all my troubles went away! Thank you for your time
  3. bitofadummy

    serial communicaton truncated, while also communicating over I2c with mlx90641

    It sound like that is exectly what I need, but I could not find any examply code, so now I am struggeling to get it to work. I have added this to the declarations: unsigned char serial1buffer[190]; int sizeOfSerial1buffer=190; And I have added this to my void setup() {...
  4. bitofadummy

    serial communicaton truncated, while also communicating over I2c with mlx90641

    O, one thing Í want to add: I am using wire.h, does that play well with a teensy 3.6?
  5. bitofadummy

    serial communicaton truncated, while also communicating over I2c with mlx90641

    Hello, I have a problem with my serial communication, in combination with I2C communication. Let me first explain my setup. I have a 3D-printer main board, a SKR-v2 running Reprap firmware 3.3. RRF3 is configured to read a MAX6675-thermocouple board for bed temperature. Then I have a Teensy 3.6...
  6. bitofadummy

    Getting one Teensy 3.6 to act like 2 SPI slaves

    My master in this setup is the SKR 1.3 board with smoothieware, as it requests the temperature reedings. And Teensy is running de TSPISlave library, there is not realy an option to accidentally set it up as a master like with an arduino nano using the SPI library from Nick Gammon ...
  7. bitofadummy

    Getting one Teensy 3.6 to act like 2 SPI slaves

    Yes I now have a daisy chain that goes from MISO1 to MISO0 to MOSI on the printerboard (some how this library needs MISO to MOSI instead of MISO to MISO), and the same goes for MOSI and SCK.. I started out with two SPI setup lines like this: TSPISlave mySPIfront = TSPISlave(SPI, miso, mosi...
  8. bitofadummy

    Getting one Teensy 3.6 to act like 2 SPI slaves

    Hello everybody, I have a project that I need some guidance with. The goal is to have a dual temperature controller for a 3D printer, but the sensor I am using is a Thermal Imaging Camera (MLX90641 16x12 IR Array with 110° FOV) Teensy wil have to read the array, filter out two hotspots, and...