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  1. J

    FlexCAN_T4 - FlexCAN for Teensy 4

    The error() function is part of FlexCAN_T4. FCTP_FUNC bool FCTP_OPT::error(CAN_error_t &error, bool printDetails) { if ( !busESR1.size() ) return 0; NVIC_DISABLE_IRQ(nvicIrq); error.ESR1 =; error.ECR =; if ( (error.ESR1 & 0x400C8) == 0x40080 )...
  2. J

    FlexCAN_T4 - FlexCAN for Teensy 4

    error() sometimes returns true on transition between "Idle" and Receive" Example: FlexCAN State: Idle, FLT_CONF: Error Active In GetStatus gMCOHW_status = 1 Receive errors = 0 Transmit errors = 0 error.ESR1 = 40080 FlexCAN State: Receiving, FLT_CONF: Error Active In GetStatus gMCOHW_status = 1...
  3. J

    FlexCAN_T4 - FlexCAN for Teensy 4

    It appears that the FIFO grabs the first 8 mboxes even if they are already allocated.
  4. J

    FlexCAN_T4 - FlexCAN for Teensy 4

    FIFO blocks mboxes Trying to use the FIFO blocks mboxes, both polled and interrupt driven. Initialization: void MCOUSER_ResetCommunication(void){ int i; gTimCnt = GTIMCNT; // Initialize global timer canbus1.begin(); // Must be first JGH canbus1.setMaxMB(16)...
  5. J

    FlexCAN_T4 - FlexCAN for Teensy 4

    Could you provide an example of how to configure and use filters with the FIFO?
  6. J

    FreqMeasure Misleading Documentation

    The FreqMeasure Library documentation on the Web site says: "; Read a measurement. An unsigned long (32 bits) containing the number of CPU clock cycles that elapsed during one cycle of the waveform." However, on Teensy 3.6 it acually uses the 60 Mhz bus clock.
  7. J

    ADC:Flushing AnalogBufferDMA buffer

    Never mind. It appears that AnalogBufferDMA forces the ADC into continuous mode so I won't be able to use it unless I hack it up to stop that.
  8. J

    Jumper to separate VUSB from V-external

    Paralleling voltage regulators can result in one or both going into oscillation. This can damage the regulator and also cause overvoltage on the regulated line. It usually doesn't happen, but it's better not to risk it.
  9. J

    ADC:Flushing AnalogBufferDMA buffer

    I have DMA working using stopOnCompletion() but I sometimes need to flush the buffer to get rid of stale data. Is there a simple way to do that? I'm using Teensyduino on Linux and a Teensy 3.6.