Anyone can help me to find the way to make AudioSynthWaveformsModulated to working with 3 input
1. PitchEnvelope to control frequencyModulation.
2. Modulation Oscillator to control phaseModulation.
3. Lfo to control shape.
1. PitchEnvelope to control frequencyModulation.
2. Modulation Oscillator to control phaseModulation.
3. Lfo to control shape.
void AudioSynthWaveformModulated::update(void)
audio_block_t *block, *moddata, *mod2data *shapedata;
int16_t *bp, *bp2, *end;
int32_t val1, val2;
int16_t magnitude15;
uint32_t i, ph, index, index2, scale, priorphase;
const uint32_t inc = phase_increment;
moddata = receiveReadOnly(0);
shapedata = receiveReadOnly(1);
mod2data = receiveReadOnly(2);
// Pre-compute the phase angle for every output sample of this update
ph = phase_accumulator;
priorphase = phasedata[AUDIO_BLOCK_SAMPLES-1];
if (moddata && modulation_type == 0) {
// Frequency Modulation
bp = moddata->data;
bp2 = mod2data->data;
for (i=0; i < AUDIO_BLOCK_SAMPLES; i++) {
int32_t n = (*bp++) * modulation_factor; // n is # of octaves to mod
uint32_t n2 = ((uint32_t)(*bp2++)) * phase_factor;
int32_t n2 =
int32_t ipart = n >> 27; // 4 integer bits
n &= 0x7FFFFFF; // 27 fractional bits
// exp2 polynomial suggested by Stefan Stenzel on "music-dsp"
// mail list, Wed, 3 Sep 2014 10:08:55 +0200
int32_t x = n << 3;
n = multiply_accumulate_32x32_rshift32_rounded(536870912, x, 1494202713);
int32_t sq = multiply_32x32_rshift32_rounded(x, x);
n = multiply_accumulate_32x32_rshift32_rounded(n, sq, 1934101615);
n = n + (multiply_32x32_rshift32_rounded(sq,
multiply_32x32_rshift32_rounded(x, 1358044250)) << 1);
n = n << 1;
// exp2 algorithm by Laurent de Soras
n = (n + 134217728) << 3;
n = multiply_32x32_rshift32_rounded(n, n);
n = multiply_32x32_rshift32_rounded(n, 715827883) << 3;
n = n + 715827882;
uint32_t scale = n >> (14 - ipart);
uint64_t phstep = (uint64_t)inc * scale;
uint32_t phstep_msw = phstep >> 32;
if (phstep_msw < 0x7FFE) {
ph += phstep >> 16;
} else {
ph += 0x7FFE0000;
phasedata[i] = ph + n2;
ph += inc;