I need to decode the pulse stream from a Radio Control receiver using a Teensy3. Information about the RC hardware and signal is here http://www.frank-zhao.com/cache/vex_rx.php Below is working code for Teensy++ 2.0. Obviously those registers are not the same for Teensy3. I would like some guidance on the best way to get similar functionality. It must measure the pulsewidth of 1 to 8 pulses every 20mS without dramatically affecting the main loop. Each 20ms there is a single 7ms synch pulse and the remaining pulses are from 750uS to 2250uS (servo). I am aware that the Teensy3 ISR routines are still a work in progress. I would like this project to be one of the first to use them.
#ifndef ServoDecode_h
#define ServoDecode_h
//Attribution: ServoDecode library from mem at http://www.arduino.cc/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1228137503/all
//adapted for Arduino 1.0.1 by Dustin Maki
//Intended for Vex, but should work with any receiver giving access to the complete pulse train on a single pin
#include "Arduino.h"
// Teensy 2.0 ICP_PIN 22, Teensy++ 2.0 ICP_PIN 4
#define ICP_PIN 4
#define TICKS_PER_uS 2 // number of timer ticks per microsecond
typedef enum {NULL_state=-1, NOT_SYNCHED_state, ACQUIRING_state, READY_state, FAILSAFE_state } decodeState_t;
String stateStrings[] = { "NOT_SYNCHED", "ACQUIRING", "READY", "in Failsafe"};
#define MAX_CHANNELS 8 // maximum number of channels we can store, don't increase this above 8
#define MIN_IN_PULSE_WIDTH (750 * TICKS_PER_uS) //a valid pulse must be at least 750us (note clock counts in 0.5 us ticks)
#define MAX_IN_PULSE_WIDTH (2250 * TICKS_PER_uS) //a valid pulse must be less than 2250us
#define SYNC_GAP_LEN (3000 * TICKS_PER_uS) // we assume a space at least 3000us is sync (note clock counts in 0.5 us ticks)
//#define FAILSAFE_PIN 13 // if defined, this will set the given pin high when invalid data is received
#define ACQUISITION_COUNT 8 // must have this many consecutive valid frames to transition to the ready state.
volatile uint8_t pulseEnd = PULSE_START_ON_RISING_EDGE ; // default value
static volatile uint16_t Pulses[ MAX_CHANNELS + 1]; // array holding channel pulses width value in microseconds
static volatile uint16_t Failsafe[MAX_CHANNELS + 1]; // array holding channel fail safe values
static volatile uint8_t Channel; // number of channels detected so far in the frame (first channel is 1)
static volatile uint8_t NbrChannels; // the total number of channels detected in a complete frame
static volatile decodeState_t State; // this will be one of the following states:
static volatile uint8_t stateCount; // counts the number of times this state has been repeated
static void processSync()
// Sync was detected so reset the channel to 1 and update the system state
Pulses[0] = ICR1 / TICKS_PER_uS; // save the sync pulse duration for debugging
if(State == READY_state)
if( Channel != NbrChannels)
{ // if the number of channels is unstable, go into failsafe
State = FAILSAFE_state;
if(State == NOT_SYNCHED_state)
State = ACQUIRING_state; // this is the first sync pulse, we need one more to fill the channel data array
stateCount = 0;
else if( State == ACQUIRING_state)
if(++stateCount > ACQUISITION_COUNT)
State = READY_state; // this is the second sync and all channel data is ok so flag that channel data is valid
NbrChannels = Channel; // save the number of channels detected
else if( State == FAILSAFE_state)
if(Channel == NbrChannels)
{ // did we get good pulses on all channels
State = READY_state;
Channel = 0; // reset the channel counter
// required interrupt service routines
if(State == READY_state)
State = FAILSAFE_state; // use fail safe values if signal lost
Channel = 0; // reset the channel count
// we want to measure the time to the end of the pulse
if( (_SFR_BYTE(TCCR1B) & (1<<ICES1)) == pulseEnd )
TCNT1 = 0; // reset the counter
{ // is the space between pulses big enough to be the SYNC
else if(Channel < MAX_CHANNELS)
{ // check if its a valid channel pulse and save it
{ // check for valid channel data
Pulses[++Channel] = ICR1 / TICKS_PER_uS; // store pulse length as microsoeconds
else if(State == READY_state)
State = FAILSAFE_state; // use fail safe values if input data invalid
Channel = 0; // reset the channel count
class ServoDecodeClass //ServoDecodeClass begin
void begin()
Channel = 0;
State = NOT_SYNCHED_state;
TCCR1A = 0x00; // COM1A1=0, COM1A0=0 => Disconnect Pin OC1 from Timer/Counter 1 -- PWM11=0,PWM10=0 => PWM Operation disabled
TCCR1B = 0x02; // 16MHz clock with prescaler means TCNT1 increments every .5 uS (cs11 bit set
TIMSK1 = _BV(ICIE1)|_BV (TOIE1); // enable input capture and overflow interrupts for timer 1
for(uint8_t chan = 1; chan <= MAX_CHANNELS; chan++)
Failsafe[chan] = Pulses[chan]= 1500; // set midpoint as default values for pulse and failsafe
decodeState_t getState()
return State;
uint8_t getChanCount()
return NbrChannels;
void setFailsafe(uint8_t chan, int16_t value)
// pulse width to use if invalid data, value of 0 uses last valid data
if( (chan > 0) && (chan <= MAX_CHANNELS) )
Failsafe[chan] = value;
void setFailsafe()
// setFailsafe with no arguments sets failsafe for all channels to their current values
// usefull to capture current tx settings as failsafe values
if(State == READY_state)
for(uint8_t chan = 1; chan <= MAX_CHANNELS; chan++)
Failsafe[chan] = Pulses[chan];
int16_t GetChannelPulseWidth( uint8_t channel)
// this is the access function for channel data
int16_t result = 0; // default value
if( channel <= MAX_CHANNELS)
if( (State == FAILSAFE_state)&& (Failsafe[channel] > 0 ) )
result = Failsafe[channel]; // return the channels failsafe value if set and State is Failsafe
else if( (State == READY_state) || (State == FAILSAFE_state) )
bitClear(TIMSK1, _BV(ICIE1)|_BV (TOIE1));//disable Timer1 input capture and overflow interrupts
//cli(); //disable interrupts
result = Pulses[channel] ; // return the last valid pulse width for this channel
//sei(); // enable interrupts
bitSet(TIMSK1, _BV(ICIE1)|_BV (TOIE1));//enable Timer1 input capture and overflow interrupts
return result;
};//ServoDecodeClass end
// make one instance for the user
extern ServoDecodeClass ServoDecode = ServoDecodeClass();
void printRC()//used for debugging, testing, and capturing typical values for setting up constants
// snipped this code to fit forum character limit
void parseRCbuttons(bool& L_UP_pushed, bool& L_DWN_pushed, bool& R_UP_pushed, bool& R_DWN_pushed, Servo& L_servo, Servo& R_servo)
// note: if servo is at end of range, *_pushed will be false even when the button is actually pushed
// this behavior can be changed if desired by removing parentheses
int servoTmp = 90;
if(L_UP_pushed = (ServoDecode.GetChannelPulseWidth(5) < 1500-200) &&
(servoTmp = L_servo.read()) < 180)// L_servo commanded and not already at maximum
if(L_DWN_pushed = (ServoDecode.GetChannelPulseWidth(5) > 1500+200) &&
(servoTmp = L_servo.read()) > 0)// L_servo commanded and not already at minimum
if(R_UP_pushed = (ServoDecode.GetChannelPulseWidth(6) < 1500-200) &&
(servoTmp = R_servo.read()) < 180)// R_servo commanded and not already at maximum
if(R_DWN_pushed = (ServoDecode.GetChannelPulseWidth(6) > 1500+200) &&
(servoTmp = R_servo.read()) > 0)// R_servo commanded and not already at minimum
//illuminate LED on any button push
if(L_UP_pushed || L_DWN_pushed || R_UP_pushed || R_DWN_pushed)
{digitalWrite(6, HIGH);}
{digitalWrite(6, LOW);}
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