Teensy 3.0 won't upload program

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So, I've been loving my Teensy 3.0 (and playing with FastSPI).

I've been writing code (using xcode as an editor, but still uploading and building from Arduino/Teensyduino). Most of the time pressing cmd-U (from my mac running 10.8.2) works wonderfully. Sometimes the teensy is hung and requires me to manually press the reset button.

I can't get it to program. I loaded blink into the arduino and press upload and the teensy is still playing my last sketch (which is likely in a tight loop (13 is blinking on solidly). I've tried pressing the reset button, but it doesn't do anything.

If I unplug the USB and press the reset button as soon as I plug it back in then I can get teensy to go from the "Press Button to Activate" to mode where there's no error message, but none of the operations (program or reboot) work.

20:31:13: Reboot event
20:31:13: begin operation
20:31:13: sending reboot
20:31:15: begin wait_until_offline
20:31:18: offline failed, timeout after 50
20:31:18: reboot error
20:31:18: end operation
20:31:18: redraw timer set, image 13 to show for 4000 ms
20:31:22: redraw, image 10

20:31:42: Program event
20:31:42: File "Blink.cpp.hex". 7788 bytes, 6% used
20:31:42: found elf file
20:31:42: Code size from .elf file = 0
20:31:42: begin operation
20:31:42: flash, block=0, bs=1024, auto=0
20:31:45: program: write error
20:31:45: end operation
20:31:45: redraw timer set, image 11 to show for 4000 ms
20:31:49: redraw, image 10

This morning I noticed that my box of new teensy 3.0's had arrived and so I replaced the old one with a new one and it's now programming fine. I then tried programming my old one out of my breadboard and it's now accepting new programs. I'm officially confused (but also delighted). Back to hacking.
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