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    • A
      Done it ! I surely have made a bad translation,thank you for the help :p Is it possible to git clone only a file instead of the whole library zip?
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      Very hard to tell, I'm not sure what you have or haven't done. I put together this skeleton "sketch" which won't do anything, but it compiles fine for me: #include <Audio.h> #include <Wire.h> #include <SPI.h> #include <SD.h> #include...
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      Hello, Now that comes to be more clear,but i 'm not much into pull requests stuffs, i will try that change, i have no problem with the audio editor,but have errors with your sketch,i only put on it void setup() empty and void loop() empty...
    • A
      You need something like this: which exports to this: #include <Audio.h> #include <Wire.h> #include <SPI.h> #include <SD.h> #include <SerialFlash.h> // GUItool: begin automatically generated code AudioInputTDM tdm1...
    • A
      Hi everybody, I would like to wire another CS42448 module so that i can have 12 inputs nd 16 outputs, but in the teensy audio editor if i have the possibility for 2 TDM outputs with two different set of pins, but it's weird,when i select 2 TDM...
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      AntiLoop replied to the thread Teensy Audio Crashing.
      The best way to see if your sketch fit the job or not ,is to load the basic "SdWaV player" ketch from the teensy library and test with one or several wave tracks from yours,by this way you can also test your tracks too!
    • A
      That's what i did,i kept paul steffrogen audio library and now that's cool for playing, what do you preconise as format? constant,variable,average 44100khz,48000khz;128->320khz? I'm using audacity for converting
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      I don't understand i have a lot of errors as well for teensy 4.0 or teensy 4.1 - i have the last teensy 1.59 C:\Users\trans\Documents\Arduino\libraries\Arduino-Teensy-Codec-lib\audiobuffer.h:42:7: error: redefinition of 'class AudioBuffer' 42...
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      Sorry for my bad,i forgot to include : #include <play_sd_mp3.h>
    • A
      Hi, Where is the SDMp3 player in the teensy editor? The FrankBs Arduino-Teensy-Codec-lib mention in the sketch: AudioPlaySdMp3 playMp31; I want to compile the mp3player sketch but i've got this error: "AudioPlaySdMp3' does not name a...
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      easier said than be done,never was able to compile, i followed the instructions but i think there is other things to do before. Your "good luck" makes me smile somewhere a little bit :unsure: Anyway i'll wait for this thing to be incorporated...
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      I think it's a basic chorus with a bigger delay 🧐
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      Hey wwatson, thanks to point me that,i will try now the alex6679 tweaks (y)
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      Hi to all, i would like to replace files in the teensy core,like alex6679 wrote in his github fork: https://github.com/alex6679/teensy-4-usbAudio "Tested with Teensyduino 1.59In order to use it, copy the files of 'changedCorefiles' into...
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      Personnally i always used FDTI modules for tweaking prototypes and never had problems, maybe because they regenere the purety of the signal and avoid impedance or capacitance driftering...
    • A
      I don't think D+ & D- are related to the ground,they must be differential inputs to avoid noises,due to the cable length,look at that: https://electronics.stackexchange.com/questions/469796/what-exactly-do-d-and-d-on-a-usb-connection-do
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