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    • B
      bdoan replied to the thread Programming SPI External Flash.
      The code is coming for an Intel Hex file -> transmitted to the Teensy over USB serial connection -> then decoded and programmed to the SPI flash device. This is not a USB host application Just looking for sample code to erase and program blocks...
    • B
      I am using a Teensy 4.1 as the "brains" of a product test fixture. I need to program the bootloader code for the target board into a W25X40cl flash device. The 4.1 will be interfacing with a Windows application to run the test sequence and will...
    • B
      bdoan replied to the thread Teensy 4.1.
      Thanks. I will try adding that code to my project
    • B
      bdoan replied to the thread Teensy 4.1.
      I was hoping that there was already a library that directly addresses that series of chips. The interface will be through an external socket or pogo pins on a test fixture.
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      bdoan posted the thread Teensy 4.1 in Project Guidance.
      Are there any code examples for reading and writing to a W25X40 flash device?
    • B
      bdoan replied to the thread Teensy4.1 USB Audio.
      Ok. Got it working. Thanks. Now how do I speed up the Arduino 2 compiler?
    • B
      I would like to use the Teensy 4.1 as a programming tool to move an Intel Hex file into a W25X40 flash memory device. The hex file is small enough to be hard coded into the Teensy application or it could be transmitted, line by line over a USB...
    • B
      bdoan replied to the thread Teensy4.1 USB Audio.
      I am still getting a compilation error, apparently from one of the include libraries. :\users\user\appdata\local\arduino15\packages\teensy\hardware\avr\1.59.0\libraries\sdfat\src\common\fsstructs.h:47:49: error: a function-definition is not...
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      bdoan replied to the thread Teensy4.1 USB Audio.
      Initially, I just want to bridge the Analog audio (in and out) from the SGTL5000 to USB audio. At some later date, I will add GPIO, ADC measurements and user interface (non-blocking) to complete the application.
    • B
      bdoan posted the thread Teensy4.1 USB Audio in Audio Projects.
      I am trying to create a USB audio application for the 4.1 using the Audio Shield (Rev D) I used the Audio System Design Tool and created this code for Arduino IDE 2.3.2 What code needs to go in the main loop? void setup() { #include...
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