@KurtE - To verify how to use this on a custom Teensy using the same SDIO2 pins defined in your SdFat mods:
1) Make the changes present in your PR for imxrt.h
2) Download your SdFat_Experiment_SDIO2 library
3) Add SDClass sd_io2; and...
I went through the process of getting the Teensy 4 bootloader chip (IC_MKL02Z32_T4_QFN16) added to the list of parts at JLCPCB. As always you will need to buy it from PJRC and send it to JLCPCB as a consigned part. Its now JLCPCB part#...
Here is a next component for my audio effect library for Teensy4: Stereo guitar/bass cabinet emulation based on
Uniformly-Partitioned Convolution Filter by Brian Millier.
A PlatformIO and ArduinoIDE projects are available in the examples repo...
That's true to a certain extent but we'll be measuring stuff like shock travel with lds sensors, brake pressure with ratiometric brake sensors, and wheel rpm off the drive shaft and transfer case output which have fairly high nyquist rates. It is...
Take a look at this ADC library for the Teensy:
Teensy 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, LC, 3.5, 3.6, 4, 4.1 ADC implementation library created by Pedro Villanueva
This has a lot of configuration options and examples to guide you
One option would be:
_pimxrt_spi->TDR = __builtin_bswap16(d);
_pimxrt_spi->TDR = (d >> 8) | (d << 8);
Not sure which is the most efficient method (or if it compiles to be the same byte code), but could aid your testing and you could...
Little note, if you see 4.2mA at 5V you should see about 6.36mA at 3.3V. Or somewhere in that region. Voltage goes down, amps go up and vice versa. So in your case, you will have more amps then what you calculated. Bare that in mind dear...
FWIW, dropped the library into my new board, with the resistor tree using 180/390 ohms, into a 7 inch VGA monitor from AliExpress, the library from Github, and it umm worked first time. That's not right but I'll take it!
640x480 and 800x600 work...
Really? You could only find one thread? There are dozens. If you use the forum search bar and enter "Teensy 4.1 overclock", the first result is the thread shown below...
Watching CrashReport on restart to avoid triggering is a good plan. Might be nice to have CrashReport return the exception # stored instead of a binary? The code might be interested in knowing that when no SerMon online?
When temp starts to run...
Confessions are good for the soul! Sorry for your loss :(
I don't use the IDE setting (or rather, have it set to 600), just what I set in code. I poll the tempmon each second and have a graph overlay available that stays on top of my UI showing...
Here is another Theremin ! This one is very simple : a Time of Flight sensor for the pitch, and FSR for volume. The synth section is also very simple, just one oscillator, a LP filter, minimalist LFO and reverb. In fact, this project is...
FWIW - I have been running my Teensy 4.1at 816Mhz for 4-5 years now, for long periods at a time each use. All my Teensys subjected to this are still operational. I have a small (10mm x 10mm x 4mm) cheap, copper heatsink sitting on the processor...
Transdimensional is a fancy name for a way to simplify the use of very complicated synthesis algorithm.
It is a kind of morphing that takes care of navigating through the synthesis parameter hyperspace.
This first synth navigates in a 54...
Cross post from:
Hey Teensy coders. This Monday FastLED is planning on changing the default WS2812 driver from the previous default one to Kurt Funderburg amazing ObjectFLED driver.
In case you don't know, this is the spiritual successor to...
While that is a decent idea, I've already got the 9488 housed in my jog wheel and ready to go with the rest of the hardware
But my issue here isn't free ports - the T4.1 that I have laying around solved that.
It's mostly the async comms between...
Awesome work jmarsh! What about SDRAM at 227MHz for framebuffer, still to slow? It would be pretty wild to take this concept and make a board. With the USB to HDMI "thingy" built onto the board. And use USB Host instead so that the ordinary USB...
I don't recall seeing the entire mockumentary, but I recall Drummers for the Spinal Tap band did not have a long life span:
And at the moment, of the 4 Beatles, only Ringo Starr has 2025 performance dates available (though Paul McCartney will...
To simplify and put into context - EEPROM.put on the T4 will do the same as .update for you, so use EEPROM.put. If the user constantly saves their settings every hour, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, it will take them almost 12 years to do 100,000...
@Math51: You're still missing the two additions that @beermat spelled out at the bottom of his post. I can attest to the fact that, if you make these two additional changes to your sketch (in addition to attaching the required battery), the T4.1...
Without code, hard to correctly diagnose but...here's some stuff to think about:
Teensy Loader will initialize the RTC clock when you program the Teensy and maintain power. If you power it down and up again, without a battery maintaining the...
The driver library and Windows / MacOS client software have been updated to support streaming buffers over USBSerial1. Just need a bare Teensy 4.x and a USB cable!
I've had good results transferring data at rates over 10MB/second using the USB Serial port. I've recently found that it makes things simpler to use the USB Dual Serial setup. I use SerialUSB1 for the data transfers and Serial to control the...
I realize what you need, I forgot they named the support documentation this way, too. This document helped when I was figuring out some stuff for the NT35510 a few years ago....I'll PM you a link to the NT35510 Application Notes PDF I have...
Is that a specific file you are looking for? Or are you making up a name to match NXP style documentation, where they present a full working solution, source code included, for the NT35510 in an "Application Note"?
If you have a Teensy with Ethernet and a TFT screen that you update with buffers of 16 bit RGB565 pixel data you should be able to use this code, along with the supplied Mac or Windows client, to also display (and control) the screen remotely on...
Hi there,
Here is my latest project that I wanted to share : the minichord!
For the full documentation of this fully open source project, first the Github (https://github.com/BenjaminPoilve/minichord/tree/main), then the website...
I was (and am) surprised by the I/O speed and the overall snappiness of it. I haven't benchmarked the raw SD card access speed, but even when writing a single large file to the filesystem (read: with the filesystem layer making things slower) I'm...
Future Teensy with will USB-C. I can't discuss any other details at this time. I probably should not even write this message, but hopefully it at least answers this 1 simple question.
Hello dear DIY friends..
I'm working on a new project called Degenerator 2. It's a polyphonic sampler and synthesizer based on Teensy 4.1 with 16MB sample ram and touchscreen.
In 2011 I started developing my first monophonic sampler/synthesizer...
Hi Paul,
I am working on a private Teensy project (controlling my model rail way, German forum post here) where I sometimes exceed the Teensy 4.1 RAM1 or flash limits (especially with the debug build).
To avoid this, I disable some FNET configs...
I'm not sure there are any, unless you're already familiar with it. This is more of an exercise in futility than anything else - though I have to admit that it does perform way better than I expected.
I found it but unfortunately it's still too vague as to how to communicate with this chipset.
Real bummer as it has a very small footprint, and seems to have strong capabilities.
Interesting thread. That Murata chip indeed is very small. It would be pretty epic if a library for the Teensy was made in order to use it.
The Portenta H7, GIGA R1 and some other high end Arduinos does use this chip. So I'd say it must be pretty...
I released v0.30.1 about two weeks ago. Here's the Changelog:
## [0.30.1]
### Fixed
* Fixed wait-for-close for non-altcp connections.
Link: https://github.com/ssilverman/QNEthernet/releases/tag/v0.30.1
Revisiting the original problem 4+ years later...
Looking at code from a different project, something very obvious occurred to me: why not bitbang the PSRAM instead of using FlexSPI?
I took the code from earlier posts and modified it: