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    • B
      Hi, Thanks for the sample code. I like to know if you encounter issue of delayed Slave reply of Master commands processing? I made some changes to process Master commands and reply with the Slave. for the first Master CMD1 Salve reply 0x00...
    • B
      Bluemax reacted to tjaekel's post in the thread Teensy 4.1 SPI Slave - here it is with Like Like.
      When you are looking (like me) for a SPI Slave implementation on Teensy 4.1... (all the code provided by PJRC, Arduino, looking in Internet says: "just SPI master is supported") Based on tonton81's approach...
    • B
      Hi, I am testing SPI slave mode (sensor emulation) with Teensy 4.1 base on SPISlave_T4* https://github.com/tonton81/SPISlave_T4/blob/main/SPISlave_T4.tpp The SPI master sends CMDx and 0x00 (generate CLK for the SPI Slave reply) The master...
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