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    • B
      I tried your code and have the same issues. In that the motor stalls at certain medium speeds and doesn't seem to regulate current and overheats. The thing is when I use software spi mode with the correct pins, it moves smooth at all speeds and...
    • B
      Search for JEM. I tried to add that comment to the locations I changed. Another change I made was in TMC2130Stepper.cpp Around line 35 { // JEM // SW_SPIClass *SW_SPI_Obj = new SW_SPIClass(pinMOSI, pinMISO, pinSCK); //...
    • B
      Yeah, I used the pins that were convienant for the board layout when I switch to software spi. I will compare your library, and go back to trying hardware spi. I see you do end and begin transaction where one of the timing errors was. Nice...
    • B
      I thought I had it but still ran into troubles. Ended up using software spi. And the motor acts weird when I have the SPI going to certain pins on teensy 4.0 Works poorly: MISO -> 9 MOSI -> 12 SCK -> 11 Works well MISO -> 16 MOSI -> 19 SCK ->...
    • B
      I ended up still having issues. I was using TMCStepper library, what really helped was changing the library and adding a delay to make reading from the TMC5160 more reliable. See: https://github.com/teemuatlut/TMCStepper/issues/303 That could of...
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