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      bobpellegrino replied to the thread USB Descriptor help.
      Yeah, I'm pretty stuck. The python code correctly reads the info for a Leonardo and an ESP32, but not for a stock Teensy nor my custom Teensy.
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      bobpellegrino replied to the thread USB Descriptor help.
      Oh for Christ's sake! Never in a million years would I have guessed that clicking on that message would do anything! Now the Product Name comes up as Teensyduino Serial, which is some sort of bastardization of Manufacturer_Name and...
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      bobpellegrino replied to the thread USB Descriptor help.
      That app does indeed show Teensyduino under iManufacturer. USBDeview shows blanks for Product Name and Vendor Name, and Microsoft for Device Mfg. I think I need to understand this better to get to the point where I can change the USB...
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      bobpellegrino replied to the thread USB Descriptor help.
      This is definitely not a Python issue. I used a windows usb tree viewer and got the same results.
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      I am trying to uniquely identify my custom teensy 4.1 board. It seemed that the right place to start was in usb_desc.h, but before I changed anything I wanted to see what the current info was. I wrote the following Python: def port()...
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      A few years ago Paul mentioned something about possibly modifying the boot loader to not overwrite the littlefs area when uploading a new sketch. Has any more thought been given to this?
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      You know what else is slow? Most serial monitors. Using Serial.print and sending it to the serial monitor built in to Visual Studio is like running full speed into a pond of molasses. Surprisingly, the serial monitor built into the Arduino IDE...
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      That poor cat. Skinned three times! I do like the Macro though, because it's easy to turn on and off.
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      Yes, they are defined as uint32_t globally, but I did forget to change the format string. thanks.
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      I tried it as a macro: #define Timeit(function_call) \ do { \ elapsedMillis t1; \ function_call; \ Serial.printf(#function_call "=%d ms\n", t1); \ } while (0) But for some reason it always printed the same value no matter which...
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      I had a (very incomplete) idea for a timing function. The goal would be to reduce some repetitive code when performance tuning. Usually the profiling phase of my development includes many instances of: elapsedMillis t1; somefunc()...
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      Should this be working? I tried the following, but the single quote between the % and the d is ignored. It prints myfunc took 537296668 instead of myfunc took 537,296,668 void test_read() {...
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