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    • B
      Bodger62 replied to the thread RTC question.
      Thanks for your reply I got the unix timestamp from the web and changed the month to June, put that in a file and then cut it. When the program was running on the Teensy I opened minicom and pasted in the following T 1718439814 which reset...
    • B
      I have downloaded the TimeTeensy3 example, compiled it and loaded it onto my Teensy 4.1, which has a 3v coin battery attached. I then closed the IDE and opened the minicom display, which displays the time/date as I expected. I changed the month...
    • B
      Hello, I am not sure if this is the correct forum for this question, but I’ve tried lots of different things and am totally stuck. I am using a Teensy 4.1 to try and control a FOXEER_Reaper_4IN1_65A_128_Multi_32_8 ESC, without any success. I...
    • B
      I've changed it to "CHANGE" and test the voltage inside the ISR. It worked !! Thank you for your help.
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