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    • B
      Bodger62 replied to the thread CAN Transmit.
      Thank you both for your quick responses. I have tried the suggestions in the reply from bravo685 without any success. I think that as CollinK has explained extremely well in his answer, the problem is that I'm asking too much of the CAN bus. I...
    • B
      Hello, I am transmitting a file over CAN to BusMaster, but if the time between frames in the attached sketch is reduced to lower than 150Us the data is not received correctly. Is there any way to increase the throughput of the CAN...
    • B
      Bodger62 replied to the thread SD logger issues.
      I apologise for the delay in sending this data, but I've been busy on another project. I hope it's what you were asking for. Regards, Ray
      • 1733736227946.png
    • B
      Bodger62 replied to the thread SD logger issues.
      Hello, Thank you for your sketch, which I really appreciate. I have tested it and changed it as attached so that every 4 CAN messages the data is stored to the SD card. A close command would then be sent over CAN at the end of the test so...
    • B
      Bodger62 replied to the thread SD logger issues.
      Thank you for your prompt replies. I have tried to use the code from TeensySdioLogger in the attached sketch, but am having some trouble to get it to work. The data doesn't seem to be saved in the file correctly and I was wondering if you could...
    • B
      Hello All, I am logging CAN messages and storing them on an SD card in the BusMaster format shown below. We log approximately 1Gbyte of data in an hour. 10:04:34:4234 Rx 1 0x0c060000 x 8 00 09 00 11 30 95 58 45 The data is stored every 4K, or...
    • B
      I made a new sketch and everything started working. All a bit strange but got there in the end. Thanks for your help.
    • B
      Thanks for your reply, but after implementing your suggestions it still doesn't link. I get the following In file included from /home/raygray/.arduino15/packages/teensy/hardware/avr/1.59.0/libraries/FlexCAN_T4/FlexCAN_T4.h:34...
    • B
      Hello, I am getting the error mentioned in the title when I compile and link my code, which is shown below. ================================== sketch.ino ================================== void setup() { // put your setup code here, to...
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