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    • C
      Colorado replied to the thread Component selection.
      Paul, Thanks for the early response! While the response isn't exactly what I hoped for, I do appreciate the response. Great to hear that you care about the accuracy and quality of the teensy! I speculate for what I'm doing (a few simple...
    • C
      Colorado replied to the thread Component selection.
      Makes perfect sense. Didn't occur to me that i should be using ohm's law. Doesn't help that I've spent far more of my career being a software engineer than an electrical (if I ever was one). For the crystals 23.768kHz and 24M Hz I've seen notes...
    • C
      Colorado reacted to MarkT's post in the thread Component selection with Like Like.
      For 3.3V logic, you won't have to worry about resistor dissipation, even a 200 ohm resistor can be 0603 without thermal issues. P = V^2/R, so for 3.3V that means P = 10/R roughly.
    • C
      All, I want to build a custom board using the pjrc bootloader chip along with the microcontroller used on a teensy 4.1. I'm building out the schematic in KiCad and I'm wondering how i should go about selecting the right...
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