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      craigyb replied to the thread Framebuffers and PSRAM.
      OK, I set MYPSRAM to 4 to allocate 4MB and I tested the jerky display and now its smooth, I will carry on testing with all displays using the PSRAM
    • C
      craigyb replied to the thread Framebuffer for 2 or more LCDs.
      Hi Kurte how would i go about using the PSRAM for the framebuffer, i have 8 displays attached to my T4.1 but the first 3 are ok and the rest are jumpy, I think Ive maxed out the framebuffers, but I have an 8mb PSRAM chip installed.
    • C
      I need a little help, I'm trying to connect upto 8 ST7789 IPS displays to a Teensy 4.1. so far I have 4 connected and they all initialize ok, but the first 3 run smoothly when updating, but the 4th is jumping when updating. I think I've run out...
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