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    • D
      Thank you! I don't have a demo yet, but I'm getting to a point with the project I'm working on (a multi-engine art-synth thing) where I'm excited to share it soon. I hope to put out a simple example sketch asap though. I'm currently using a...
    • D
      thank you kindly mr. Fethers. I'm excited to scrub as well.
    • D
      I'll work on getting a simple example together sometime this week, but the new version uses a raw audio files on an SD card and a smaller DMAMEM array of uint_16 values, which sounds close to what your looking for.
    • D
      Thank you for the kind words! I actually have revamped the project entirely so it works with raw audio files from an SD card. It does it in a kind of weird way where you declare a DMAMEM array of some size and pass that as a pointer to the...
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