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    • el_supremo
      Post the code which produced the errors in your message #17. You've got some misplaced braces somewhere. Pete
    • el_supremo
      Hmmm. Or maybe not. That would give a different error message. Pete
    • el_supremo
      What you've done is add a loop() function inside the loop function like this: void loop() { // put your main code here, to run repeatedly: int velocity = 80; // Velocity int note=20; // Piano note void loop() { // put your main code here, to...
    • el_supremo
      el_supremo replied to the thread v trigger and arduino code.
      Instead of sensing when the input is HIGH, you need to sense when it CHANGEs from HIGH to LOW or from LOW to HIGH. Post your code (in code tags please - use the </> icon) Pete
    • el_supremo
      Do you have the SDTEST2.WAV file in the root directory of the SD card? And is the SD card in the appropriate slot as selected in the code? Pete
    • el_supremo
      If polyphony is reached, you steal the oldest voice, but you don't turn it off. Just before you retrigger the oldest voice with the new note, use noteOff to turn off the old voice. Pete
    • el_supremo
      It probably was, which is why the rest of the code and the message turned into italicized text. @AaronNY: when you post code, please enclose it in code tags (which can be generated using the </> icon) to avoid this problem. Pete
    • el_supremo
      Just run the Guitar example and listen to the output on headphones. Pete
    • el_supremo
      Try this sketch which is an I2C scanner modified so that it should see the SGTL5000 on the audio card at address 0x0A. // 240919 Do an I2C scan which should find the audio card's SGTL5000 // at address 10 (0xA) #include <Audio.h>...
    • el_supremo
      el_supremo reacted to PaulStoffregen's post in the thread Please stop this spammer with Like Like.
      Quick behind-the-screens update... the plugin generated its first automatic report. Indeed it's spammers (probably from Bangladesh) blatantly creating many accounts. The plugin seems to really improve the forum's logging and display of the IP...
    • el_supremo
      el_supremo reacted to jmarsh's post in the thread Please stop this spammer with Like Like.
      slow clap for the stupidest spammer on the forum
    • el_supremo
      I haven't used a micromod but it appears to use the same pinouts as the T4.0 and T4.1. The SD SCK signal is on Teensy pin 13. This is the same pin as that used for the LED. So, if you are using the SD, you can't use pin 13 for the LED output...
    • el_supremo
      el_supremo replied to the thread problem with 4.0.
      Ooooops. I thought it was a typo or something. Pete
    • el_supremo
      el_supremo replied to the thread problem with 4.0.
      Change AudioPlaySdWavX to AudioPlaySdWav Pete
    • el_supremo
      el_supremo replied to the thread DS1820 rod sensor.
      I believe you will also need a 4.7k pullup resistor from the signal pin to 3v3. You can test your setup by running the Examples/OneWire/DS18x20_Temperature sketch. The code defaults to pin 10 but it is trivial to change this. Here's output from...
    • el_supremo
      This is a modified version of the Part_1_05_Do_More_While_Playing audio tutorial example. button0 stops the current file and plays the next one button1 is a toggle which pauses the current file or resumes playing it button2 stops the current...
    • el_supremo
      Before you enable the audio, allocate some memory: AudioMemory(8); The message "Unplug the accessory using too much power" suggests that there's a problem with your soldering somewhere. Can you post a clear photo of your audioboard? Pete
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