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    • H
      Going to jump in here. I believe that the current version of the compiler used for Teensyduino 1.59 is 11.3.1. Compiler flags might be different between PlatformIO and Arduino. You might want to give your code a try using the arduino IDE...
    • H
      Thanks KurtE. I'm not blaming the compiler per se other than the compiler creates the issue for me and I don't have any indication on where my code could be problematic during runtime.... there are no warnings or pointers when compiling. a)...
    • H
      Sorry, but I am also not that familiar with compiler options as well and I have never used PlatformIO so I don't know If I can be if any help here. Maybe others will chime in and help :)
    • H
      Hi again. I was involved earlier and wrote a library for the MicroMod using 8080 with Flexio & DMA & lvgl and checked with the digital analyzer of why we have too much beats and found a solution to manually load the shifters etc... see here...
    • H
      While I have finished my work with great success. One last thing bugs me: I need to use: ENET2_MSCR = ENET_MSCR_MII_SPEED(0x33); // gives around 1.4 MHz while the original divider sets a clock way too high too around 7.5MHz ENET2_MSCR =...
    • H
      [SOLVED SEE BELOW] Many thanks for your valuable information. I have now a solid clock and packets going in. It was a combination of ground bounce and probing (forgot to switch to 1:10). The code was fine. My lab setup was improved and yes the...
    • H
      ok that's very helpful. Thanks a lot! I will try that tomorrow and see the clock on my scope. I'm aware of the probing, grounding etc. issues and still can improve my setup in this regard. The thing is, RXD0, RXD1, TXD0, TXD1 and the other...
    • H
      yes I know but this is out of scope for my project it has to be onboard.
    • H
      yes two drivers one for each library - but I stick the QNEthernet until I get all the settings right and might only then continue with FNET. The library is not the problem nor is it my driver (I guess) - it's either a weird hardware problem or...
    • H
      I'd like to chime in here as I'm working on gettin ENET2 to work on a MicroMod. I wrote a driver for QNEthernet and FNET that uses ENET2 and I can get some packets in (and out?) but it's far from reliable. This is with a LAN8720A PHY. Clock is...
    • H
      Not exactly where you want to do but seeing that this is all about 8080 with FlexIO mode, my library: https://github.com/leutholl/TFT0784_mm might be helpful - however it's using lvgl fonts
    • H
      Seeing that this is all about 8080 with FlexIO mode, my library: https://github.com/leutholl/TFT0784_mm might be helpful
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