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    • J
      It's not clear what your question is. Do you mean they DO light up even though they're disconnected (which would be odd) or you want to know if they are possible to use if you connect something to them?
    • J
      Did you post this same question using a new forum account? https://forum.pjrc.com/index.php?threads/having-problems-with-battery-monitoring-on-off-and-power-control.75520/
    • J
      Bit 6 of the SNVS_HPSR register is meant to indicate the power button's current status, but I'm not sure how you expect to act on it when it turns the system off...
    • J
      CORE_PIN4_CONFIG = 3; // ALT3
    • J
      jmarsh replied to the thread USB Descriptor help.
      You'd have to dig down into Python's implementation to see where it's getting the information from, since it's obviously not from the USB descriptor. (Each Teensy should already have a unique serial number, no need to change anything else.)
    • J
      I think this thread is getting invaded by AI bots.
    • J
      The teensy pin number definitions are not the same as the crossbar pins. Not every physical pin is suitable for a crossbar output. Pin #4 is, but it's XBAR_INOUT08. You will have to set the pad mux for pin #4 to XBAR1 (ALT3), calling pinMode() is...
    • J
      Nearly all of the quad timer input/output pins can be remapped using the crossbar. You just need to read the reference manual to find the crossbar assignments and write the code, because there's no library support for it.
    • J
      Only since C23.
    • J
      The workaround you've already found is probably the "best" solution. You could try passing "-fno-short-enums" to the compiler to force it to use 32-bits for every enum, but it's still not guaranteed (the C standard says the compiler is free to...
    • J
      It's not so much of a "bootloader" as a "bootstrapper"; it handles the power-up sequence (rather than loading code) and the SoC won't power-on correctly without it. So it can't just be removed/replaced with a J-Link. (Also if it was, the product...
    • J
      AFAIK this is already how it works; teensyloader only erases the flash area required for the sketch. LittleFS uses the highest portion of unused flash (below the area reserved for EEPROM emulation) so as long as the new sketch doesn't intrude on...
    • J
      That is not what the "250ma max" is referring to. It means you can tap 250ma max from the 3.3V supply pin to power other devices besides the Teensy.
    • J
      jmarsh replied to the thread Teensy 4.1 is a huge problem!.
      Like the previous comment said, you have while (!Serial); in your code (which even has a comment after it saying it will wait for the serial connection). It will wait forever at that line if there is no USB connection.
    • J
      Which D+/D- lines, the ones from the existing micro usb port or the host port?
    • J
      jmarsh replied to the thread Bring back the Teensy 3.2 !.
      A run of 10,000... when there's less than 500 in stock?
      • Screenshot 2024-07-16 105429.png
    • J
      Yes, bridge the center to the pad near the other USB to power it from the 5V supply, or to the other pad to power it from the PD chip (which requires external power).
    • J
      If it's only 1 or 2 pins, I use a diode (pointed towards the 5V source) with the pin configured in pullup mode.
    • J
      You only need to add pullup or pulldown resistors if you're going to have a "dumb" USB-C port (without any voltage negotiation). When using a controller like the IP6520 you just connect the lines directly to the IC.
    • J
      What do you mean by "using Teensyduino"? It's the core library that provides all the board support code, not a tool... The only difference between hitting compile and choosing "export compiled binary" is the destination folder and which output...
    • J
      jmarsh replied to the thread USBHost_t36 on Teensy 4.1?.
      If you wanted to double-check the existing cable you could try my alternative USB Host library. There's several examples to test mass storage devices.
    • J
      @PaulStoffregen do you happen to know if it's possible to detect which MIMXRT1060 variant is present? Possibly something in the fuses, because I noticed Teensys (DVJ6B) have bits 15, 13 and 12 set in HW_OCOTP_CFG5 while the devboards (CVL5B) have...
    • J
      This line is why it's not working when not connected to a PC: while (!Serial) delay(10); // will pause Zero, Leonardo, etc until serial console opens If the USB port isn't connected to anything, the serial port will never be ready.
    • J
      I wouldn't bother trying to retro-fit a "6" chip to the existing boards, it would be way more trouble than it's worth just to gain another "safe" 72MHz of clock speed. It's just something to consider for anyone making their own boards; the...
    • J
      528MHz is the maximum rated speed, 1.15V is the minimum rated voltage. It makes sense that they don't really work together.
    • J
      jmarsh replied to the thread USB Host Library MIDI hanging.
      I would suggest printing a hexdump of the descriptors returned by the midi device and manually decoding them, the USBHost code is likely getting stuck in an infinite loop somewhere while trying to parse them.
    • J
      Assuming the 10x10 commercial variant of the MCU has the same ball layout as the industrial variant, you could probably just use it instead and avoid the issue. No idea what the availability is like though. (In order to get the MIMXRT1062CVL5B to...
    • J
      32768 bytes is the sector size of the flash memory, which is the smallest allocation unit for a file. The same reason the 486 byte file takes up 4K on your HDD.
    • J
      The Teensy is going to have to be connected to the tablet, the app won't be able to communicate with it otherwise.
    • J
      jmarsh replied to the thread Teensy 4.0 not programming.
      That sounds like the "Board" menu option, not the "Port" menu option. You need to set both.
    • J
      I don't really understand; if the Teensy is on COM3, and python is seeing COM3, where's the problem?
    • J
      I have a subdirectory named RNDIS_QNEthernet in my arduino libraries directory, containing the contents of the git repository. At the top of the sketch I only have #include <RNDIS_QNEthernet.h>, since that also includes the USB Host library and...
    • J
      jmarsh replied to the thread USBHost_t36 on Teensy 4.1?.
      Are you running it with the Teensy connected to a pc with the serial monitor open? The sketch has a while(!Serial); statement before myusb.begin(); so it won't move past that if the Serial output isn't connected.
    • J
      jmarsh replied to the thread T4.0 DMASPI not working:.
      Wow, that linked thread is very silly. Anyway, if you're going to allocate address[] in DMAMEM you will need to use arm_dcache_flush() to push its contents out of the CPU cache before calling DMASPI1.registerTransfer.
    • J
      When you added the commit to check for an external driver, did you forget a line to #include <qnethernet_external_driver.h> after checking for its existence?
    • J
      jmarsh replied to the thread Serial.begin() not needed???.
      The only time the program button should need to be manually pressed is when a program has crashed (in a way that makes it impossible to handle USB interrupts) or uses a configuration that has the USB serial port/emulation disabled. That isn't the...
    • J
      jmarsh replied to the thread Serial.begin() not needed???.
      No it doesn't, because the IDE is indicating something is being programmed. If the Teensy wasn't responding to the programming request it would say so. An empty loop() function doesn't mean the Teensy isn't listening for USB communication. Quite...
    • J
      jmarsh replied to the thread Serial.begin() not needed???.
      It's definitely not normal. Especially this: makes no sense at all - the IDE can't program a T4.1 while it's still actively running a sketch, so where is the upload going?
    • J
      jmarsh replied to the thread Serial.begin() not needed???.
      What is "Port" set to in the Arduino IDE, and do you have more than one Teensy plugged in at the same time?
    • J
      It's possible to override functions without requiring weak symbols, if you replace all exposed symbols within a compilation unit. So for example if you provided your own implementations of the following: digital_pin_to_info_PGM[] digitalWrite...
    • J
      jmarsh replied to the thread Realistic max SPI clock rate?.
      Not sure how fast the dedicated SPI hardware can be clocked, but FlexIO (which can be used to implement SPI) can reach at least 200 MHz.
    • J
      jmarsh replied to the thread Serial.begin() not needed???.
      For most Arduino-style boards, "Serial" is a UART connected to a USB conversion chip. With the Teensy there's no UART and the USB controller is built into the microprocessor - there's no variable baudrate because USB runs at a fixed speed and the...
    • J
      The first byte is used as the report ID. You can see this in the HIDAPI example, because it's sending 65 total bytes instead of 64.
    • J
      Put a 0 at the front of the array that you send, like this: buffer_out = [0, command_byte, parameter_byte] + [0] * 62
    • J
      I can see what they're for, I just think it will be a bit confusing to have two functions named "driver_set_mac_address_allowed" and "driver_is_mac_settable". If I had to implement a driver_is_mac_settable function for RNDIS I would just make it...
    • J
      I just thought of something: you are talking about the main (unicast) MAC address, and not adding multicast addresses like what driver_set_mac_address_allowed() is intended for? The latter is possible, I just didn't implement it yet because...
    • J
      I haven't found a device yet that accepts setting the MAC address. Modern android devices will return a randomized MAC address for "security". Even though the phone has to already be unlocked for the USB connection to enumerate... There isn't...
    • J
      For mobile devices, there technically is no actual Ethernet - it's a virtual network consisting only of two nodes. They use NAT to forward packets to/from their wifi or 3G/4G/5G networks. So the USB bus really is the "link". It's purely a...
    • J
      The joys of Windows CE/mobile: It's a software link so... I guess the MTU/frame length can just be whatever it feels like. Looks like it's up so let's ask for an IP: Local IP = Subnet mask = Gateway...
    • J
      I think it might be a good idea to answer these anyway even though most of the code will be redone, just to check a few things. The problem here is that it's a USB/hotpluggable device: it can be present at one time, gone the next, and then back...
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