PJRC sells <pins> & <sockets> that mate & work very well together !!
I prefer to put the Audio Adapter on the bottom (with sockets soldered onto the top of the PCB), & the Teensy 4.x on the top (with pins soldered onto the bottom of the PCB)...
@Angelo: I don't have a direct answer to your specific question, but maybe you could employ the methodology that is employed by the <DGPS system> (a friend of mine wanted to create a robotic mowing system, & needed a way to remove the variability...
@pirko2001: Take a look <here> for the recommended traditional serial MIDI circuitry. In addition to this traditional serial MIDI in/out, the T4.x also supports MIDI in/out over the primary USB interface (the microUSB connector that's used to...
Using the addr2line utility & the elf file generated when compiling the sketch that you first posted, it indicates that the crash is occurring at line #498 in the Adafruit_SSD1306.cpp file...
@Pio: Likewise, I added your Stereo Reverb SC to my TeensyMIDIPolySynth (TMPS) & the resulting sound is excellent (it is also much more processor efficient than anything else I had tried) !! I had previously experimented with several other...
Normally, with a properly installed security certificate (at the server), the setup configuration would cause the http:// page to automatically forward to the secure page. I almost always just type forum.pjrc.com into my phone browser to start...
Take a look <here> for the recommended MIDI circuitry. MIDI on the Teensy is very easy, and the audio library capabilities are fantastic !!
Mark J Culross
General comment: the additional features that you mention should all be fairly easy to implement using the Teensy, where most of these items are available directly in the stock audio library objects. And while you're at it, you may find...
You can check the entry in the unofficial Teensy wiki <here> for links to descriptions of where to find the addr2line utility for both the old (1.8.x) & new (2.3.x) Arduino IDE, as well as detailed descriptions of how to use it.
Hope that helps...
@Bluthen: Not sure if you are using custom pins for a specific reason, but standard SPI0 pins on the T4.1 (which work very well) are as follows:
MOSI: 11
MISO: 12
SCK: 13
CS: 10, 36, 37
Standard SPI1 pins are as follows:
MOSI: 26
Be careful of any pins acting as inputs on the Teensy that might be driven by the featherwing adapter. The T3.2 was 5VDC tolerant, whereas the T4.x devices are not (with the exception of the power input, 3.3VDC inputs only).
Mark J Culross
OK, time for some simple troubleshooting.
TEST #1: While running your sketch, simply connect a wire between GROUND and the pin that you have configured your sketch for. You should see the printed value go to "0". Disconnect the wire & you...
Doh, you're right !! Obviously, its been way too long since my cup of coffee this morning !!
Sorry for the unrelated/non-applicable recommendation !!
Mark J Culross
@jonweisw2: The mid-range anomaly may be an interaction with the internal resistors on the GPIO pin (as discusses in <this> thread). This can be avoided by calling pinMode(<pin>, INPUT_DISABLE); in your setup() function. Sorry, I don't have any...
@Quill213: Your connection diagram shows the switch connected to pin 19. Pin 6 is in the same location relative to the microUSB connector, but is on the other side of the Teensy.
Hope that helps . . .
Mark J Culross
@kadukes: The good news is that it is very unlikely that you could make the Teensy unusable strictly with the firmware that you load into it. The even better news is that the Teensy 4.x can easily be restored back to factory configuration using...
The PJRC Audio Adapter Rev D stacks perfectly on top of either the T4.0 or the T4.1 (the pinout of the Audio Adapter matches 1-for-1 with the Teensy). It is not recommended to hard solder them together, but rather to use stacking header pins &...
Welcome to the Teensy world !! You will be very pleasantly surprised with how much you can do with the Teensy + Audio Adapter towards a very capable synth !! @PaulStoffregen has created a very capable collection of hardware &...
Yes, the specific output helps to see exactly what the compiler/linker might be complaining about. I don't have any experience with Flight Sim. Like @BriComp, I'm using the latest Arduino 1.8.19 + TD1.60b3, along with the Flight Sim Controls...
@jonweisw2 (Jon):
Can you please post the actual report from your failed build ?? For best readability, make sure to use the </> (code tags) when pasting the report into the new post.
Mark J Culross
@jonweisw2 (Jon): It appears that you have a simple typo in the following line in your loop() function: int pin9 = digitalgRead(dpin9);, which should be changed to int pin9 = digitalRead(dpin9); (remove the extra "g").
Hope that helps . . ...
Your error in lines 70/71 is trying to tell you that you have a mismatch in function definitions and/or usages: somewhere, the function process_key_pressed() is defined to return a bool, but the external reference to the same function extern void...
@blakeAlbion :
Something to check that might be of help: in the development of my TeensyMIDIPolySynth (TMPS), I found that sometimes I would get the same "single massive blob" when loading my audio descriptions back into the design tool. In my...
I would suggest creating five separate waveform generators: one sine, one triangle, one saw, one square, & one pulse. Feed each of these waveform generators into a mixer (you'll actually need two 4-input mixers to accomodate the 5 inputs, then...
I haven't looked at your sampled sound files specifically, but just on a lark, could you try setting the gain level on each of the two mixer inputs being used to 0.5 (& set any unused to 0.0 as well) & see if that makes a difference. My thinking...
@bdoan: I am by no means a USB expert of any kind. My knowledge of hubs & how they work/interact with the Teensy (mostly from my personal development of my TeensyMIDIPolySynth (TMPS) project, which gets other MIDI devices plugged into its USBhst...
Just in case you missed this point earlier: And most of all, try not to let any conclusions that you may have already drawn interfere with the ability for others to attempt to help.
Mark J Culross
Let me see if I can add yet another perspective without further muddying the waters: I don't believe that it is 100% clear when using your home built hub, whether a PC is also connected to your home built hub or not ("If I attempt to...
It would be much easier to provide help if you would post a complete sketch. This would allow others to load & compile your sketch locally, as well as to evaluate your complete sketch for errors, etc. With the minimal snippet that you posted...
@Phm78: Not sure which of these two options you actually want, so here's a description of each.
VFO, modulated by a mix of PWM & LFO frequency:
Configure one waveform object where you control the pulseWidth() (identified as your PWM object...
Ah, didn't realize that PJRC products are not all available outside the US. Maybe someone actually inside the UK will have something more useful to offer. Sorry for the wasted bandwidth . . .
Mark J Culross
@SteveSFX: If I'm viewing the same Amazon item (Amazon US vs. Amazon UK), for about the exact same price, you could just get the PJRC touchscreen display & be so much more sure about what you're getting, no ?? Personally, after much trial &...
Would be much easier to help if you would post your sketch. As a completely blind guess, did you include a hub object in your sketch ??
Mark J Culross
@kd5rxt-mark gave me an idea. I deleted all things teensy from packages and staging and reinstalled 0.60.3 and then did a generate key and it started working. @defragster you might want to give it a try
Generate Key and key location:
Your sketch very likely contains a line in your setup() function like while (!Serial) {}. This line will cause your Teensy to wait forever until a serial connection is available for your Teensy to put out any status. When you connect the USB...
I figured it out: the IDE did me a great favor & re-installed 1.59.0 over 0.60.3...deleting 1.59.0 & re-installing 0.60.3 did the trick :p
EDIT: Or, more likely, I just forgot to install 0.60.3 in the first place...DOH...need more coffee ...
The non-necessity of the additional delay was questioned/discussed in an earlier thread <here>. The recently created page covering the CrashReport() details <here> does not show that same delay as required. Should it be there ?? Should the...
@joebmz98: I may be misreading what you mean in p#12, but just to make sure that there is no misunderstanding, the code listed in p#11 must be placed specifically & only within your setup() function. It will cause a check to see if the previous...
You can find descriptions of the libraries that work well with the Teensy <here>. Note: even though the list only shows library compatibility for Teensy boards up thru T3.x, it is a good place to start to find compatible libraries for T4.x as...
Which specific display from Amazon are you using (checking to see if I have the exact same one) ?? Is that display made to run from 3.3VDC (that's how it looks that you have it wired in your pictures) ??
Mark J Culross
In typical usage, the numbers returned from reading the touchscreen are then scaled down to the 320x240 display resolution using the map() function. In my personal experience (10+ projects using the PJRC 320x240 TFT touchscreen display), I have...