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    • K
      Kevin Stratton replied to the thread Project: SPI_MSTransfer.
      Just verified that this just happened on second machine....all software is the same except it's Windows 10. So it appears it isn't a glich.
    • K
      Kevin Stratton replied to the thread Project: SPI_MSTransfer.
      Windows 11, Visual Micro 2.2024.0223, Visual Studio 17.9.2, Connected to Arduino IDE 2.3.2, TeensyLoader 1.59. No nightly builds...just release updates.
    • K
      Kevin Stratton replied to the thread Project: SPI_MSTransfer.
      And here is the verbose output: Compiling 'WavFilePlayerVarSpd' for 'Teensy 4.1 (teensy41)' Build Folder: "file:///C:/Users/justi/AppData/Local/Temp/VMBuilds/WavFilePlayerVarSpd/teensy41/Release" Summary: Header=1 Prototypes=1 Imports=0...
    • K
      Kevin Stratton replied to the thread Project: SPI_MSTransfer.
      Hi Paul, Windows and I believe everything is up to date. Here's the output: Compiling 'WavFilePlayerVarSpd' for 'Teensy 4.1 (teensy41)' Build Folder: "file:///C:/Users/justi/AppData/Local/Temp/VMBuilds/WavFilePlayerVarSpd/teensy41/Release"...
    • K
      Kevin Stratton replied to the thread Project: SPI_MSTransfer.
      I am also getting this warning now: Warning: for Arduino 1.8.x, Teensyduino must be installed with a special installer. Boards Manager installation give incomplete setup! Anyone figure this out? I dont have 1.8 Arduino just 2.3.2. Every...
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