Hello wearyhacker, good to know of your project, just what I was wanting to be able to do...
So, can you point me in the right direction? I cannot seem to find anywhere a "tools" folder, neither on the json2asw nor the asw2json gits... If I...
I have just made the first beta release of this project json2asw.
This project provides the following.
A script to preprocess the cpp and h file pairs produced by Jannick Manicken's SoundFontDecoder. This script may also handle files generated...
PJRC will have a Black Friday sale this year.
Sweet discount on Teensy 4.0 and Audio Shield. Prices to be announced when the sale starts.
Sale will run Nov 25 to Dec 2, or until inventory allocated to the sale runs out. Will limit to 50 per...