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    • luni
      luni replied to the thread Encoder Issues.
      Maybe something with the interrupts. Wild guess: the T2 doesn't use interrupts on the pins you are using. T3 and T4 do. I don't know if the MIDI stuff also uses interrupts. Maybe some T3 specific clash?. Just add your midi code to the example I...
    • luni
      luni replied to the thread Encoder Issues.
      To check if the hardware works you might use a simple test program which only checks the encoder part. I just tested the following on a Teensy 3.2 and it works without issue (note: it uses the EncoderTool library) #include "Arduino.h" #include...
    • luni
      luni replied to the thread TeensyTimerTool.
      This is always a good starting point if you need to do some low level programming. It contains some examples for input capture using the GPT module
    • luni
      luni replied to the thread TeensyTimerTool.
      Great, I'll do some testing these days and generate a new release for the library manager afterwards.
    • luni
      luni replied to the thread TeensyTimerTool.
      Sorry, didn't mention that the library lives on GitHub., And here an instructiion on how to install if from there: I'll update the...
    • luni
      luni replied to the thread How do you organize large sketches?.
      Actually you can by using anonymous namespaces. Here an example: test.h #pragma once namespace someNamespace { extern int getVar(); extern int publicVar; } test.cpp namespace someNamespace { namespace // anonymous/private namespace...
    • luni
      luni replied to the thread TeensyTimerTool.
      @joepasquariello. Yes this is a lambda expression. Here some explanation about the origin of the name: . Actually the c++ syntax for lambdas is quite simple and logical. Here the full (AFAIK) syntax...
    • luni
      luni replied to the thread TeensyTimerTool.
      Sorry, that was a bug. Can you try version 1.4.3? The following code correctly generates 500kHz signals on pin 0 and 1 using the PIT and GPT1 modules. It works for 24Mhz and 150MHz clock frequency settings. #include "TeensyTimerTool.h" using...
    • luni
      ... or, if you don't like std::function / std::bind you can simply use a lambda: void timeit(void(*f)()) { elapsedMillis time; f(); printf("took %d\n", (unsigned)time); } void g1(){ delay(120); } void g2(int x){ delay(x); }...
    • luni
      You can also use std::function and std::bind to achieve this without macros: #include <functional> void timeit(std::function<void()> f) { elapsedMillis time; f(); printf("took %d\n", (unsigned)time); } void g1(){ delay(120); }...
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