Recent content by mariocaptain

  1. M

    3.6 SD card issue, freezing before loop starts

    Thanks so much for the link. I found a work-around there and will try it.
  2. M

    3.6 SD card issue, freezing before loop starts

    It happens in Teensyduino 1.44 too. I have reported a bug in the Audio lib repo.
  3. M

    3.6 SD card issue, freezing before loop starts

    This is my code: #include <Audio.h> #include <Wire.h> #include <SPI.h> #include <SD.h> #include <SerialFlash.h> // GUItool: begin automatically generated code AudioPlaySdWav playSdWav1; //xy=343.00000381469727,3690.2000064849854 AudioOutputAnalogStereo dacs1...
  4. M

    3.6 SD card issue, freezing before loop starts

    P.S. I am sorry I could not use code tag because I am accessing the site from Vietnam, and for whatever reason I am not sure, this forum bans access from Vietnam, so I am accessing through a web proxy. Hope they will lift the ban
  5. M

    3.6 SD card issue, freezing before loop starts

    I have the same problem here. I am really surprised that not many people report this. I am using Teensy 3.5 and want to play a WAV file from the built-in SD slot based on the WavFilePlayer example, but SD.begin(BUILTIN_SDCARD) freezes. After lots of debugging, I found out that as long as...
  6. M

    Interrupt ISR bounces on IR sensor

    Teensy is much quicker, that's what I suspected too. I tried running the Teensy at 24MHz to no avail. The amount of glitch is the same. Wish I had a scope to see the signal. Its a sensor that is based off the TCRT5000 that I bought from Aliexpress. Can't seem to find the rise time in the...
  7. M

    Interrupt ISR bounces on IR sensor

    Hi all, I have been trying to use 2 difference kind of IR sensors with Teensy (3.2 and 3.5) ISR to no avail as it bounces a lot. One IR sensor is in a coin acceptor which I have tested and is working fine with Arduino. The other kind is a general obstacle avoidance IR sensor, newly bought; I...
  8. M

    Why no substantial speed inscrease when switching from 24MHz to 72MHz

    My bad. Will keep that in mind next time! Thanks!
  9. M

    Why no substantial speed inscrease when switching from 24MHz to 72MHz

    You are right! About the oscilloscope, right its still the same one, I am still saving up for a professional scope, but anyway in this case I strongly believe that its not the scope that is the culprit. Following tni's advice, I have been able to measure the clock cycles of every functions, and...
  10. M

    Why no substantial speed inscrease when switching from 24MHz to 72MHz

    Very encouraging. I will try along this direction and update. I tried uncommenting the cli() & sei() and it's the same. Also the duty cycle stay constantly at 74% suggesting there is no nesting interrupt? I take it that you advise to run above 96MHz in any case, like 120MHz, 144Mhz?
  11. M

    Why no substantial speed inscrease when switching from 24MHz to 72MHz

    Thanks. I will keep that as the last resort, since there are a total of like more than a thousand lines of code to put in ISR right now.
  12. M

    Why no substantial speed inscrease when switching from 24MHz to 72MHz

    Thanks, makes sense to me. Regarding overclocking, the term "overclocking" just make me nervous. Will try to run at 120MHz. How to "put code and constants into RAM"? I still have lots of RAM available. Would like to try and see the difference. Update: I have just tried running at 120MHz and the...
  13. M

    Why no substantial speed inscrease when switching from 24MHz to 72MHz

    Hi all, I am running 9 functions inside an Interrupt Service Routine (ISR) which is triggered 140 times/second (i.e. 140Hz) on a Teensy 3.1. These functions have to do with calculating variables and parameters and don't have anything to do with peripherals. I am turning pin 0 on an off in order...
  14. M

    Teensy 3.1 PWM output jitters

    Wow, I just can't thank you enough for taking all the time to share and to prepare those photos. Now I believe that it's should be my crappy scope and not the teensy. Will learn a bit more about scopes and maybe I will get a good one to try again! Thanks again for sharing the knowledge.
  15. M

    Teensy 3.1 PWM output jitters

    It's not really jittering, just jump back and forth between two values. My usb oscilloscope allows only a sampling rate of 1Mhz with a bandwidth of 20Mhz. It's this one.