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    • M
      MAW2732 replied to the thread Humidity issues.
      Thank you Angelo, I'll do a bit of reading this morning on that.
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      MAW2732 reacted to Angelo's post in the thread Humidity issues with Like Like.
      For the railway industry, I use a "breathing" device. It is like an M12 bolt, with integrated Goretex membrane. It let the ROSE enclosure breathe and expell humidity due to temperature changes. And the pcb is also coated.
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      MAW2732 replied to the thread Humidity issues.
      All our PCBs over the last 40 years have been treated with a MIL-V-173 conformal coating varnish that holds up for years. Just completing a new design that uses the Teensy 4.1 instead of a simple uC and realized that the mother board it...
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