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    • MichaelMeissner
      There are many different ways to set this up. One thing to note is what speed is the battery charged at. A lot of the lipo chargers are made for smaller batteries, and if you use a large lipo battery, it will take longer to recharge. On the...
    • MichaelMeissner
      One low tech solution is to just use the micro SD card in the Teensy 4.1 (or solder in a micro SD card reader in the Teensy 4.0), and put a small micro SD card in the Teensy. When you want to transfer data, take out the micro SD card and put it...
    • MichaelMeissner
      Generally, you want to limit the time to a few seconds. That way if you have the Teensy hooked up to the computer, you won't miss the first line or so immediately the Teensy starts, but you won't wait forever. For example: while (!Serial &&...
    • MichaelMeissner
      MichaelMeissner replied to the thread Five Pin Socket.
      Whoops, evidently I didn't click control-C on the link. Here is the link: https://www.taydaelectronics.com/5-pin-2-54-mm-single-row-female-pin-header.html If you have other headers, I find it easier to have a header that is exactly 5 pins so...
    • MichaelMeissner
      MichaelMeissner replied to the thread Five Pin Socket.
      I've used these right angle headers and it fits nicely over the micro SD card reader: https://www.taydaelectronics.com/5-pin-2-54-mm-single-row-ringht-angle-female-pin-header.html That being said, I'm sure I've used the normal 5 pin header...
    • MichaelMeissner
      Note, you might need 2 pull-up resistors, 1 between SDA and 3.3v and 1 between SCL and 3.3v (the resistors are in parallel with the data pins). Typically 2.2k resistors are used for 3.3v. Typically these days I2C devices have pull-up resistors...
    • MichaelMeissner
      MichaelMeissner replied to the thread Teensy 4.1 + I2S access.
      You don't need the shields, you just have to connect the appropriate pins. For example, I use this code with an I2S board I bought on Amazon: Max98357A mono I2S chip...
    • MichaelMeissner
      Another factor to consider is some of the WS2812 (neopixel in Adafruit speak) LEDs can work fine if the data pin is 3.3v but the power pin is 5v. Some cannot do this and you need to use a level shifter to convert the data pin to 5v (you need to...
    • MichaelMeissner
      MichaelMeissner reacted to KurtE's post in the thread SPI pins of each ports with Like Like.
      Minor background comments: CS Pins: Most libraries do not do anything special with the CS pin. That is they typically use something like digitalWrite to set and clear the state. However, there are some libraries, like some of our display...
    • MichaelMeissner
      MichaelMeissner replied to the thread SPI pins of each ports.
      For reference this is: Teensy 4.1: CS pins for SPI0: 10, 36, 37; MOSI0: 11; MISO0: 12; SCLK0: 13 CS pins for SPI1: 0, 38; MOSI1: 26; MISO1: 1 (alternate 39); SCLK1: 27 CS pins for SPI2: 44; MOSI2 (alternate 50): 43; MISO2: 42 (alternate 54)...
    • MichaelMeissner
      MichaelMeissner replied to the thread Teensy 3.2 End Of Life.
      Note the pinout for I2S is different between Teensy 3.x and Teensy 4.x. If you use the Teensy audio adapter, you need to get the version D or D2 board instead of A-C for the Teensy 4.0/4.1. Note, there are 2 I2S streams on the Teensy 4.x.
    • MichaelMeissner
      MichaelMeissner replied to the thread JLCPCB Teensy Headers?.
      I recently bought some 14 and 24 pin headers from Chinese suppliers on ebay, They are enroute right now, so I haven't seen them yet: 2xn headers (n is 2..25 plus 30 and 40) 1xn headers (n is 2..25 + 40) For Teensy 4.0 stacking headers as well...
    • MichaelMeissner
      Yes that is mostly correct. You cannot use pins A4 and A5 since those are I2C pins and the audio shield uses I2C to set up the parameters. The pins are: A0 A1 -- note this is brought out on the shield, and there are some capacitors to improve...
    • MichaelMeissner
      I wrote this up a few years ago to talk about compatibility between the Teensies: https://github.com/TeensyUser/doc/wiki/Teensy-Compatibility In general, you need to look at what the Teensy 3.2 is doing in more detail.
    • MichaelMeissner
      This is my first Teensy project (and also my first proper Arduino project), so let's just start by saying I had absolutely no idea what I was doing. There were some learning curves along the way, some of them were steeper than others, but I got...
    • MichaelMeissner
      Or possibly just add a few LEDs that you turn on occasionally.
    • MichaelMeissner
      The one issue that I can think of is many power banks will turn off if the power used is below some threshold. In the Teensy 3.1/3.2 era, I recall Paul had published a circuit that would draw just enough extra power to keep the power bank happy...
    • MichaelMeissner
      The following are defined for each different Teensy: Teensy define Machine Define Teensy ARDUINO_TEENSY30 __MK20DX128__ Teensy 3.0 ARDUINO_TEENSY32 __MK20DX256__ Teensy 3.1 or Teensy 3.2 ARDUINO_TEENSY35 __MK64FX512__ Teensy 3.5...
    • MichaelMeissner
      I discovered with ST7789 OLED displays, I needed to use a 11Mhz SPI bus to prevent the display from being corrupted on some displays. I found of the displays I had, the Adafruit displays needed 11-12Mhz, while the Newhaven displays could run...
    • MichaelMeissner
      I would be nice if the MTP library could make its way into the official release.
    • MichaelMeissner
      MichaelMeissner replied to the thread Multiple Libraries.
      MTP_Teensy is not pre-installed with the Teensy release. I believe it is at: https://github.com/KurtE/MTP_Teensy
    • MichaelMeissner
      MTP is able to access the SD card in the audio adapter as well as the built-in SD card. Due to having 4 bits for data transfer, the built-in SD card is slightly faster, but MTP can access any file system object. Within the LittleFS code, there...
    • MichaelMeissner
      MichaelMeissner replied to the thread Serial2 not printing.
      Looking at the pinout sheet, the Serial2 pins are used as OUT1A and IN1 for I2S audio. Even if you don't use Audio directly, maybe something in the libraries initializes the IN/OUT pins to be used for audio instead of serial devices. One...
    • MichaelMeissner
      Generally if you are going to be using USB host for things like USB sticks a Teensy 4.1 will be easier to deal with because it has 5 standard 2.54mm holes on the inside that you can solder a USB A cable to attach devices. With the Teensy 4.0...
    • MichaelMeissner
      While RS-232 has higher voltage, on the Teensy 4.0/4.1/micromod (and on the legacy Teensy 3.0,3.6, and LC), the voltage on the TX and RX pins must be 3.3 volts. If you use higher voltage, you risk burning out the Teensy. Only on the legacy...
    • MichaelMeissner
      It works! Thanks for the help. For anyone else with the same problem as I had. Just add this: time_t getTeensy3Time() { return Teensy3Clock.get(); } In setup or your custom init function place this: setSyncProvider(getTeensy3Time); Ignore...
    • MichaelMeissner
      Did you call 'setSyncProvider' to tell the time library to use the real time clock. Here is the setup code from TimeTeensy3.ino: #include <TimeLib.h> void setup() { // set the Time library to use Teensy 3.0's RTC to keep time...
    • MichaelMeissner
      Though as the ad notes, that particular case will not hold 18650's with the button top. The button top prevents the battery from being over-charged or depleted. If you are using 18650's in a larger enclosure that provides the protection, you...
    • MichaelMeissner
      IIRC, since those chargers charge at 1A, I think you want a battery with at least 1,000mAh of capacity (but it would be helpful to find a FAQ that goes in the details). When I'm making costume props, often times an issue is will the battery fit...
    • MichaelMeissner
      I didn't notice it was a NIMH battery, the various chargers I mentioned only work for lipo batteries. You need some sort of charger for the battery that works with NIMH batteries. If you don't have a charger laying about you would need to buy...
    • MichaelMeissner
      The default usb connection is set up as a serial connection. Maybe it works with 8-bit binary data, maybe it doesn't (for example it might convert \n into \r\n strings). There are ways to get additional USB devices on the Teensy side, but I was...
    • MichaelMeissner
      I would suspect PaulS meant having the Teensy in USB client mode (i.e. the PI is the host). When the Teensy is a USB client, and the PI is the host, you would just write to the USB serial port with normal text print statements and use...
    • MichaelMeissner
      Well the simplest is just to use USB where the Teensy is a client and the PI is the host. If the PI can power the Teensy, then all you need is a simple USB cable. You would send data via writing text to the serial connection. Alternatively if...
    • MichaelMeissner
      There are I2C multiplexers. You hook each device up to separate logical I2C busses. When you want to talk to a particular device, you send an I2C message to the multiplexer for which bus to connect to. You do have to be careful if the library...
    • MichaelMeissner
      If you want something that is made to be soldered to a Teensy consider this. You will have to cut the solder connection underneath the Teensy that connects VIN and VUSB...
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