I believe I may be. I must confess I didn't understand signals class all that well. Def more of a CE than an EE. Don't you still have to poll at twice the rpm/60*numteeth tho?
Rather than trying to do anything clever just define an array to act as your buffer. Use the DMAMEM keyword to put it in RAM2 so that you have plenty of space for it. As @joepasquariello indicated handle this as a ring buffer, track the head and...
That's true to a certain extent but we'll be measuring stuff like shock travel with lds sensors, brake pressure with ratiometric brake sensors, and wheel rpm off the drive shaft and transfer case output which have fairly high nyquist rates. It is...
Thanks for the advice! I'll try to implement those changes tomorrow.
As for the interrupt bit, I like the idea of using interrupts as I can only record/poll sensors when their data is ready instead of having to poll at their nyquist rate...
I tried to add a queue but I did something wrong and the teensy keeps on hard rebooting. I'm gonna try and see if I can track the free heap/ram and see if that's the problem but figured I'd post the updated code here for now.
//Note: Should get...
Thanks for your input! The implementation of the i2c devices was thrown together last weekend in preparation for an upcoming testing day and it's abundantly clear that I could make it work much much better than it currently is. I'm currently...
A couple of thoughts based on a quick scan through the code:
You look to be writing data to the SD card as fast as possible rather than only writing when one of your inputs has changed.
It may be they are changing fast enough that this is always...
Thanks for your response Paul! I've seen your comments all over this forum and have found them to be some of the most enlightening information on here. I've pasted my entire program below so everyone who sees this has full context since it's...
I'm using a Teensy for a data acquisition setup and was wondering if I could overclock it a little to up the polling rate a bit. I know this will potentially introduce some instability and reduce the expected lifespan of the CPU, but this is a...