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    • ninja2
      Thanks. I see only HardwareSerial2.cpp and HardwareSerial4.cpp have the MICROMOD distinction, and basically they say: Serial4 pins for T4.1 (16,17) become Serial2 on Micromod Serial2 pins for T4.1 ( 7 , 8) become Serial4 on Micromod That...
    • ninja2
      For PJRC products, like T4.1... and T4 you can look at the web page: You can look at my Spreadsheet.... In the source code, for Serial2: teensy4\hardwareSerial2.cpp: #ifndef ARDUINO_TEENSY_MICROMOD...
    • ninja2
      On a standard T4.1 pins 16/17 = A2/A3 = Rx4/Tx4 = Serial4 For the Micromod teensy I think the same pins 16/17 might be Serial2 but I need to be absolutely sure, so I went looking for clues in...
    • ninja2
      Ahah, OK thanks. Basically the sketch uses a generator with a limited selection of set frequencies. If instead I use an external pulse generator as the input source I expect FreqCount will report correclly. I must give that a go ... thanks!
    • ninja2
      ninja2 reacted to jmarsh's post in the thread FreqCount example: strange behaviour ? with Like Like.
      The frequency generated using PWM has to either be a multiple or integer factor of that module's clock source, so some values will be rounded up or down. analogWrite() sets the duty cycle of the signal, in this case 128 out of 256 time units per...
    • ninja2
      I've been playing with the Serial_Output_T4 example sketch in the FreqCount library, on a T4.1 As provided the sketch reports exxactly 50MHz on pin 9, as expected. However other frequency values don't give expected results Requesting 40MHz...
    • ninja2
      digitalWriteFast() works nicely, tks
    • ninja2
      Default pinmode is input so they are floating. digitalWriteFast() has to be used (to set the output level before setting the output mode) because historically with Arduino boards, using digitalWrite() when a pin is configured for input toggles...
    • ninja2
      ignore that 4.1 - just me being slack I have all your pinout spreadsheets kurtE, in fact they were the only reference with the link to digital pin 40. Curious: where did you source that info? Good idea, thanks jmarsh. I assume you're suggesting...
    • ninja2
      I'm working on reset control from my T4.1 processor to the ZED-F9P GNSS chip on my Micromod system comprising: MMod Main Double Board with: Processor: T4.1 F0: ZED-F9P GNSS F1: ESP32-WROOM-32 WiFi/Bluetooth But I'm having trouble getting it to...
    • ninja2
      I've been reading up how use my Sparkfun Micromod ESP32 Wifi/Bluetooth module with the ESP32-WROOM-32E chip. I need to set up a Bluetooth link to get (RTK) data from my Android mobile, and I think I have to customise the firmware to do this. From...
    • ninja2
      Doh! Of course it's SCK. Many thanks FWIW I should have mnentioned: When I previously ran the code above on my stock T4.1 the LED flashes work fine, since it uses SDIO AFAIK there such pins aren't broken out on the Micromod boards, so not so...
    • ninja2
      Thanks muchly @AndyA, you're suggestions made me take another deep dive into all the lists/schematics again and confirmed your points. The numbering and labelling is all a bit of a nightmare but below is my detailed summary for the serial...
    • ninja2
      The teensy pins named Tx1/17 and Rx1/16 (I'm guessing Serial 1 but haven't double checked) go to Micromod connector pins 20/22 (Tx2 and Rx2). On the base board these are called TX2_Processor and RX2_Processor and go to FC1 pins 13 and 15 (Rx and...
    • ninja2
      I asked this question on Sparkfun forum several weeks ago, with no response as yet : I have a MM Main Double board, with Teensy 4.1, ZED-F9P GNSS Function board (in F0 slot) and ESP32-WROOM Function Board (in F1). After studying all the...
    • ninja2
      When I run this sketch the LED blinks twice during setup, but doesn't flash in loop(). However, if I comment out the if-else SD initialisation, the LED flashes as expected. Looks like an issue for SdFat lib, but I don't know where to look...
    • ninja2
      ninja2 replied to the thread Teensy 4.1 stalls?.
      Those instructions are a bit out of date, for a T3.2 not T4.1 which has 2 pads (yes one is VIN, the other VUSB) Why not just cut betwen the pads, so VIN anf VUSB are no longer connected? And it's quite easy to reverse if need be, with a solder...
    • ninja2
      ninja2 replied to the thread TeensyTimerTool.
      I see they're #defined in cores\teensy4\imxrt.h altho it doesn't provide any detail beyond the manual. I think the manual is the ultimate resource.
    • ninja2
      ninja2 replied to the thread TeensyTimerTool.
      Thanks for the good info, will give it a serious go later. I see low level terms like IOMUXC_GPT2_IPP_IND_CAPIN1_SELECT_INPUT are listed in the 1060 Reference Manual. Question: Is that document the main/only resource for details on such terms?
    • ninja2
      ninja2 replied to the thread Teensy 3.6 board problem.
      Have you read this: Teensy 4 Power ?
    • ninja2
      ninja2 reacted to luni's post in the thread TeensyTimerTool with Like Like.
      This is always a good starting point if you need to do some low level programming. It contains some examples for input capture using the GPT module
    • ninja2
      ninja2 reacted to joepasquariello's post in the thread TeensyTimerTool with Like Like.
      I recently posted a sketch that is based on Manitou's work with GPT input capture. I had some trouble with his test sketch, but I know that what I posted does work. Link below...
    • ninja2
      ninja2 replied to the thread TeensyTimerTool.
      .. I assume you mean: write some low-level code?
    • ninja2
      ninja2 replied to the thread TeensyTimerTool.
      The overview description of the GPT timer module in the I.MX RT1060 Reference Manual includes this: AFAIK the TTT doesn't support this, but is there a way to hook an attachInterrupt() pin sequence into TTT ? Or IntervalTimer ? Suggestions...
    • ninja2
      ninja2 reacted to luni's post in the thread TeensyTimerTool with Like Like.
      Great, I'll do some testing these days and generate a new release for the library manager afterwards.
    • ninja2
      ninja2 replied to the thread TeensyTimerTool.
      Success. I downloaded your latest from GitHub, and the PIT now runs at expected frequency, without any compensation factor required. thank you :-)
    • ninja2
      That happens occassionally with IDE 2 even if \scr is not in use.
    • ninja2
      ninja2 replied to the thread TeensyTimerTool.
      Sure, but how can I get hold of 1.4.3? Library Manager only offers 1.4.1 Same on GitHub AFAIK, although TBF I'm not that familiar with GitHub workings
    • ninja2
      ninja2 reacted to AndyA's post in the thread How do you organize large sketches? with Like Like.
      Mostly an extra level of organisation and structure. The arduino build system assumes all your code is either in the top level directory or the src sub directory. But within the src subdirectory you can have any structure you want. e.g. for one...
    • ninja2
      ninja2 replied to the thread Teensy 4.1 stalls?.
      A long shot but it may be caused by electromagnetic interference from the engine. Try shielding the teensy from the motor by surrounding it with tin foil with as few air gaps as possible (i.e. a faraday cage). Ideally connect the foil to ground...
    • ninja2
      ninja2 replied to the thread Teensy 3.6 board problem.
      Before you appled external power to VIN did you cut the join between VIN+VUSB (on the back of the teensy, near VIN pin) ? Did these boards work in the past? (BTW the link in your post is to the schematic for Teensy 4.1 not 3.6, although they...
      • SCHEMATIC Teensy 3.5 3.6.png
    • ninja2
      ninja2 replied to the thread TeensyTimerTool.
      Thanks Joe, happy with that. I will definitely look into PWM / FlexPWM later. Meanwhile I believe I've stumbled on an inconsistency in the way the library handles the PIT timer. With USE_GPT_PIT_150MHz = false and the timer set up with...
      • t4_PIT_demo_500kHz_24_150.JPG
    • ninja2
      ninja2 replied to the thread TeensyTimerTool.
      hi luni, I've spent quite some days/hours reading much of this thread and your excellent wiki, then fiddling with various timer sketches to get to grips with how it all fits together. I'm in awe at how comprehensive the library & documentation...
      • t4_GPT_demo 3MHz.jpg
      • t4_GPT_demo 4MHz.jpg
      • t4_GPT_demo 5MHz.jpg
      • t4_GPT_demo.b.output.JPG
    • ninja2
      I have been doing this for some time, but without the src sub directory. It requires some discipline / care with includes and externs, but I've found it much easier to maintain stuff, and results in a set of code "modules" (.cpp/.h pairs) that...
    • ninja2
      I'd nearly finished a large post yesterday and then I had to leave suddenly. I had to shutdown, so I saved the draft. But I can't find it today (on a different computer). Does the "save draft" option preserve over logins?
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