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    • PaulS
      In the schematic, I only see a diode between VCC and the input of the 5V regulator? What is VCC actually? 12V? Is the output of the regulator indeed 5V as intended? Paul
    • PaulS
      I'm a bit confused: you stated "As soon as I plug in the power, the light immediately turns off and it no longer shows up on ArduinoIDE". So did the Teensy show up in the Arduino IDE when only USB was plugged in? Paul
    • PaulS
      So when it's powered by USB only, Teensy is working fine? The display doesn't show of course. I assume you cut these pads and placed a Schottky diode: Can you share a photo of this placed diode? Paul
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    • PaulS
      One of the important differences between Teensy 3.2 and Teensy 4.0 is that the pins of a Teensy 3.2 are 5V tolerant. Teensy 4.0 pins are definitely not 5V tolerant. Could it be this is at play? Looking at the schematic I would say this is not...
    • PaulS
      A "Compilation error: exit status 1" could be caused by a lot of different issues. You may want to switch on full verbose output in the Preferences window: And then share what you see in the Output window. Interestingly, your code compiled fine...
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    • PaulS
      PaulS replied to the thread MIDIfy a 13 note pedalboard.
      You will need to connect a common wire from one side of each switch to the GND pin on the Teensy. The other side of each switch needs to be connected to an individual Teensy pin. Then use the pinMode(pin, INPUT_PULLUP); to pull the signal high...
    • PaulS
      PaulS replied to the thread Teensy 4.0 / High Voltage Heater.
      You're absolutely right, it's like this: Paul
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    • PaulS
      PaulS replied to the thread Teensy 4.0 / High Voltage Heater.
      Yeah, finally! Who would have imagined that by shifting the enable bit 1 position to the left makes the whole thing work... well, you did apparently! Sigh, so much for a correct datasheet. Are you going to feedback this to them or just be happy...
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    • PaulS
      PaulS replied to the thread Teensy 4.0 / High Voltage Heater.
      Hmm, strange results. Tomorrow, I will hookup my SK Pang LIN-Bus Breakout Board and check with the oscilloscope as well. With respect to the use of the CSS CL1000: I don't think it's usable since it is a CAN bus logger only. Paul
    • PaulS
      PaulS replied to the thread Teensy 4.0 / High Voltage Heater.
      Hi Jordan, the fight apparently isn't over yet... I'm not sure what to think about the ID27 results. But first I would like to focus on sending data to the heater to get it running. Since he suggested this: I pulled the logic analyzer out and...
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    • PaulS
      PaulS replied to the thread Teensy 4.0 / High Voltage Heater.
      Hi Jordan, that flowchart helped a lot to clearify. In the flowchart below I noted the register IDs in red. I skip reading out status register ID27 for now. So we have to write ID33 first , then ID22 and then finally ID22 again. Below the...
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    • PaulS
      PaulS replied to the thread Teensy 4.0 / High Voltage Heater.
      Hi Jordan, thanks for the new info. I will look into it over the coming weekend. Paul
    • PaulS
      PaulS replied to the thread 关于怎么学习学习Tensy 3.2.
      "How to systematically learn Tensy 3.2 and code" Best to start with the tutorial. Paul
    • PaulS
      PaulS replied to the thread Teensy 4.0 / High Voltage Heater.
      Like a kind of brute-force attack? Hmm, too many possible input combinations to my taste. And how to verify the output? What came to mind though is whether there is a requirement on how to apply the voltages timing-wise. Like 12V first to get...
    • PaulS
      PaulS replied to the thread Teensy 4.0 / High Voltage Heater.
      Agree, reading ID17 is not required for the heater to activate. I was hoping that only writing ID22 & ID33 would be enough to kick off the heater. Paul
    • PaulS
      PaulS replied to the thread Teensy 4.0 / High Voltage Heater.
      I'm a bit lost though - I wonder if we are doing something fundamentally wrong in the LIN communication to the heater, because what we see doesn't make sense. Well, I do hope the supplier will come back with some sort of initialisation sequence...
    • PaulS
      PaulS replied to the thread Teensy 4.0 / High Voltage Heater.
      That CRC: 104 is correct with both data bytes being 0x00:
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    • PaulS
      PaulS replied to the thread Teensy 4.0 / High Voltage Heater.
      I think CRC 255 means error?
    • PaulS
      PaulS replied to the thread Teensy 4.0 / High Voltage Heater.
      ID33 is a really a 2 LIN data byte message. It's a typo from their side. From the specs: They probably better stop using the word 'byte'; we are talking 'registers' here with a certain bit length. What does "with a byte length of 3 bytes"...
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    • PaulS
      PaulS replied to the thread Teensy 4.0 / High Voltage Heater.
      Hi Jordan, Looked further into the odd/even number of databytes. Several sources [incl Wikipedia] state that the number of bytes must be 2, 4 or 8. However when studying the LIN 2.1 spec, no such requirement is there. So last night I contacted...
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    • PaulS
      PaulS reacted to kd5rxt-mark's post in the thread Teensy 4.0 / High Voltage Heater with Like Like.
      @jsimonkeller: I'll jump in, in case you're looking for a quick turn-around on an answer. You correctly converted (hex) 0x20 to (binary) 00100000. In the binary representation of any hex number, no bits need to either be rearranged and/or...
    • PaulS
      PaulS replied to the thread DS1820 rod sensor.
      You may want to select a DS18B20 since the DS1820 is obsolete. Yes, see this tutorial. From a reputable source in your country. The latter sounds good. Paul
    • PaulS
      PaulS replied to the thread Teensy 4.0 / High Voltage Heater.
      Hi Jordan, sorry, we cannot bypass the LIN roadblock. The heater only accepts LIN data for control... What the engineer stated is: "We execute PWM control through software, not through external low-voltage wire for PWM signal control". And then...
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    • PaulS
      PaulS replied to the thread Teensy 4.0 / High Voltage Heater.
      From the answer of the engineer and re-reading the spec, my understanding is as follows: 1. We can not drive the heater by an external PWM signal. There is no analog or PWM pin available on the Low voltage connector. 2. Internally, the heater...
    • PaulS
      PaulS replied to the thread Teensy 4.0 / High Voltage Heater.
      Thanks for forwarding the response from the engineer. On the E2E checksum and E2E counter values, since he is talking only about read-register 0x34 ["In this project, only the 0x34 message has the above two fields"], I think we're fine with...
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    • PaulS
      PaulS reacted to PaulStoffregen's post in the thread Please help me, it's urgent. with Like Like.
      I've started a CrashReport documentation page. Hopefully no surprises, but now we'll have an official permalink page for the CrashReport documentation.
    • PaulS
      PaulS reacted to jsimonkeller's post in the thread Teensy 4.0 / High Voltage Heater with Like Like.
      Thanks Paul. Sorry I didn't understand the issue with checksum. I am wondering if the key again will be the "enable" command in 0x33 and confirming if it worked. I will say that one item I was able to decode from the received data that made...
    • PaulS
      PaulS replied to the thread Please help me, it's urgent..
      How do you conclude that the Teensy reboots? And what do you exactly mean by "ceases to function properly"? Does it refuse to reboot and run your code again? Very detailed description of the behaviour does help! Can you do the Memory Wipe as...
    • PaulS
      PaulS replied to the thread Teensy 4.0 / High Voltage Heater.
      Hi Jordan, the whole LIN-bus checksum stuff is clear and handled properly by the library. The checksum I was looking for is the one in register ID33. In message #151 I wrote: Unfortunately both documents do not shine any additional light on the...
    • PaulS
      PaulS replied to the thread Teensy 4.0 / High Voltage Heater.
      Apparently you installed the LIN bus library already otherwise I wouldn't compile. But indeed you need to comment out line 463 of lin-bus.cpp like so: //_stream->read();. I rechecked my modified code from message #155 and there are some faults...
    • PaulS
      PaulS replied to the thread Teensy 4.0 / High Voltage Heater.
      Hi Jordan, I tidied up your code and added some lines so that it compiles without error now. Had a quick look at the LDF file but for the finer details it takes some time to wrap ones head around it... #include "lin_bus.h" // Create an...
    • PaulS
      PaulS reacted to dimitre's post in the thread Help using UCS8904B with Like Like.
      @PaulS yes great it was the missing level shifter I had to increase the time of reset packet also, it was unstable with the 300us
    • PaulS
      PaulS replied to the thread Help using UCS8904B.
      By the way, are you using a levelshifter? The spec of the UCS8904B states: High voltage level VIH = minimum 0.7VDD which equals to 3.5V. A Teensy 3.2 outputs 3V3 max... Paul
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    • PaulS
      PaulS replied to the thread Help using UCS8904B.
      I tend to agree but I'm not 100% sure yet. Sending out data for 8pcs WS2812 equals to 192 bits. That is exactly the data needed for 3pcs UCS8904B. Does your code from message #2 light up 8pcs WS2812? Paul
    • PaulS
      PaulS replied to the thread Help using UCS8904B.
      For each LED you need to send 4x16 bits. Perhaps numBytes is confusing since every pixel is 16 bits, perhaps call it numWords? Shouldn't this declaration uint8_t *pixels; be uint16_t *pixels;? Paul
    • PaulS
      PaulS replied to the thread Using headphone amp with pt8211.
      Fully agree, but be aware that are a lot of fake PCM5102A chips available on chinese webshops [look for Burr&Brown logo on chip package for genuine parts]. The same applies for the PT8211 part; the PT8211-H part is fake, the PT8211-S is genuine...
    • PaulS
      PaulS replied to the thread Using headphone amp with pt8211.
      The PT8211 does not have a floating GND. The output signal is referenced to GND, so you can use it like so: Paul
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    • PaulS
      PaulS replied to the thread Teensy not found.
      Well, that could mean 2 things: either your USB cable is broken or your Teensy is dead. With your Teensy connected to your PC with the USB cable, can you measure what the voltage is on Teensy 4.0 pin "Vin" (should be ~5Vdc) and pin"3.3V" (should...
    • PaulS
      PaulS replied to the thread DAC for Sqare Wave Signal.
      @VictorK What about a basic R-2R resistor ladder network? You did not yet state what amplitude resolution and speed you need, so this may be an option. Paul
    • PaulS
      PaulS replied to the thread Encoder Issues.
      Looked into Encoder.h. As far as I can tell INPUT_PULLUP is done while instantiating the Encoder object. I guess the defining the pins again in setup() messes things up. But the finer details are beyond my knowledge. Paul
    • PaulS
      PaulS replied to the thread Encoder Issues.
      Hooked up a Teensy 3.2 and rotary encoder. Indeed the sketch didn't run. Found that these 3 lines need to be deleted: #include <USB-MIDI.h> pinMode(encoderPinA, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(encoderPinB, INPUT_PULLUP); This MIDI monitor now...
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    • PaulS
      PaulS replied to the thread Encoder Issues.
      Are you sure that the encoder is not working? Or could the problem be at the MIDI side? Please delete #include <USB-MIDI.h>. It's not necessary. Paul
    • PaulS
      Where on the website did you read that the yellow LED can flash? That is not possible since the yellow LED is not connected on the PCB. Paul
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    • PaulS
      Did you mount the LPJ4012AHNL on the correct side of the PCB? Should be on this side: Mounted like above, the green LED should be illuminated: Paul
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    • PaulS
      PaulS replied to the thread Midi Footswitch for Guitar.
      When you #include <MIDI.h>, you are referring to the hardware MIDI ports on the Teensy, not the USB MIDI interface. Check out this page: Below is the updated code. You can use the </> button in the...
    • PaulS
      PaulS replied to the thread Teensy 4.1 pullup on pin 3.
      I'm a bit confused by this sentence. Do you mean that pinMode(3, INPUT_PULLUP); works as expected (Teensy pin3 pulled high to 3V3) but that pinMode(3, INPUT); also pulls pin 3 of the Teensy high? By the way, did you power the MCP23S17 by 3V3...
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    • PaulS
      OK, I think I understand what you are trying to accomplish: instead of uploading data into the serial_array[] and then using setPixel() to set the intended pixels, you are trying to directly write into the drawingMemory[] array. That might work...
    • PaulS
      Try this: drawingMemory[0] = (0<< 16) | (255 << 8) | (0 << 0); I'm not sure though that you should be using drawingMemory[] to set pixels on/off - I could not find any info on the usage. Paul
    • PaulS
      PaulS replied to the thread Teensy 4.0 / High Voltage Heater.
      Correct, I set the bits in byte 3 that are not defined in the datasheet (bits 26, 28-31), to '0'. Those 4 0-bits are the value of E2E counter. Perhaps we need to write a certain value there? Hopefully the seller returns your question. Paul
    • PaulS
      PaulS replied to the thread Teensy 4.0 / High Voltage Heater.
      Hi Jordan, all fine here, hope you're doing well too. Had to read back the thread for a refresh... Anyway, this chinese heater looks to better documented although I see some unclearities. This is a bit strange; for ID22 the spec states Byte 2 is...
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