Isn't this actually the "Memory Wipe & LED Blink Restore" as described on here?
You apparently needed to try a few times, but it worked in the end.
A regular USB 2.0 host should be able to supply 500mA @ 5V. Substracting 100mA for the Teensy itsself, should leave you ample power for your Tonex One Pedal.
No, you should not.
Just recompiled and uploaded my old (Teensy LC based) midi controller project under Windows 11 Pro. Arduino 2.3.4.
MIDI-OX works, perhaps you should try this browser-based tool:
If I understand the source code correctly (but I'm not a pro), you can use the function mypot.outputRange(uint8_t min, uint8_t max); anytime you changed the mux to a different port. The function sets the parameters outLo and outHi to a specified...
A few questions:
1. Does reading out the registers wm8904_dump_reg(); work?
2. Is the MCLK signal present?
3. What happens if you read out register R0?
The datasheet I looked at.
The ResponsiveAnalogRead library will work perfectly for you. I use MIDI to control DAWs all the time with this setup. The cool thing is that you set a threshold value in which the pot has to move to detect a change and then read when the pot is...
@Christian_K You may want to consider using the ResponsiveAnalogRead library. That works like a charm.
Some time ago I built a MIDI fader using 3pcs 10KΩ faderpots (plus 3pcs rotary encoder).
Here is the schematic:
As you can see I added 3x...
This works for me using an external I2S DAC:
#include <Audio.h>
AudioInputUSB usb1;
AudioAmplifier amp2;
AudioAmplifier amp1;
AudioOutputI2S i2s1;
AudioConnection patchCord1(usb1, 0, amp1, 0);
AudioConnection patchCord2(usb1, 1, amp2, 0)...
Being puzzled by your remark that both CAN interfaces needed to be called to get it to work, I took your code, stripped out all stuff related to myCan2 [CAN1] and compiled & uploaded it to a Teensy 4 plus SN65HVD230 module connected to a...
Tested in practice in this project. Small add on board to use the 4bit SDIO directly on the Teensy4.0 at the cost of the usb host pads,
Kicad 8 project including gerbers.
This is very strange... When you only use 1 CAN interface of the Teensy to talk to your BLDC motor, you shouldn't need to call another CAN interface on the Teensy to get the first one working.
What do you exactly mean by "didnt common the ground...
Thanks for your pictures. That CANL/CANH(?) signal indeed does not look well.
What happens if you lower the baudrates on both sides to e.g. 125000?
Sorry, the coming 2 days I don't have time to dig into this in detail.
Had a look at your code and compared it to a working sketch on my machine and it seems OK.
You may want to have a look at this thread for more info.
One thing to be aware of is that some cheapo SN65HVD230 CAN-bus transceiver modules have a wrong...
Ben Buxton's Rotary library uses attachInterrupt(). Now it is possible to change the interrupt priority of attachInterrupt(), see this thread and this thread.
NVIC_SET_PRIORITY(IRQ_GPIO6789, 255); should do the trick. Standard priority is 128...
To be honest, I have no idea what you mean by this. Also, I'm not sure what you want to show us with the attached screenshot?
Could you share the code that shows the issue and elaborate on what you want to achieve?
Do you perhaps have a source...
Shouldn't you add an extra line here for playMem3?
// GUItool: begin automatically generated code
AudioPlayMemory playMem1; //xy=265.33332824707026,108.66666158040363
AudioPlayMemory playMem2...
Yes, I'm sure the samplerate is 44.1kHz or 176.4kHz. The PT8211 has been subject of discussion here on the forum for years and measurements with scopes and logic analyzers have been done. For example, see this thread and this thread.
To rule out any issue with the wav2sketch procedure, I setup the Teensy 4.0 & PT8211 to act as a USB audio adapter like so:
#include <Audio.h>
// GUItool: begin automatically generated code
AudioInputUSB usb1;
AudioOutputPT8211 pt8211_1...
Sure, here is the sketch:
#include <Audio.h>
// WAV files converted to code by wav2sketch
#include "AudioSampleSine440hz.h"
// GUItool: begin automatically generated code
AudioPlayMemory playMem1;
AudioOutputPT8211 pt8211_1;
Closed the Arduino IDE, modified output_pt8211.h like below, opened the IDE, compiled and uploaded the sketch.
Unfortunately no change in noise level...
Was able to reproduce the issue here as well.
The setup:
#include <Audio.h>
// WAV files converted to code by wav2sketch
#include "AudioSampleLongerkick.h"
// GUItool: begin automatically generated code...
Agree, the noise is indeed clearly noticable at the PT8211 recording. The PT8211 DAC is definitely not the best in class but I don't recall it to be this bad.
Would you mind sharing the original .wav kick drum sample so that I can try to...
A Teensy 3.x does not have a power LED. The orange onboard LED is connected to pin 13. Your code can drive the LED on or off.
Not necessarily.
Please measure on Teensy pin 3V whether you see 3V3.
Does the board show up as a HID device or Serial...
Could the problem be caused by this library in your main file? #include "IS31_I2C.h".
Google did not return a result when searching for "IS31_I2C.h", so I can't check further.
I'm not aware of a procedure for reloading the bootloader on a Teensy LC.
What you can try is to insert the Teensy into the USB port of your PC while pressing and holding the program button before insertion and release the button a few seconds...
In my experience, usually the Waveshare libraries work as intended. Hard to say whether this will be the case as well with this particular library.
Can't you just buy 1 piece of display to check it out before ordering a whole bunch? Luckily they...
Most probably but it depends on your digital interface (I2S? TDM?), the number of audio channels (2?) and the samplerate (44kHz?).
It's best to give us more details on your DAC to better inform you.
Did you have a chance to study the Teensy Audio...