PaulStoffregen's latest activity

  • PaulStoffregen
    If you don't find the solution, try taking some photos so we can actually see. Might help, might not. Worst case you waste just a few minutes to shoot photos and transfer (maybe resize) so they can be posted here. Many times on this forum a...
  • PaulStoffregen
    Maybe you meant input pin? With output pins, which you control with analogWrite(), you should already know the setting because your code set it. If you need to later have this info, just store it into a variable which you can later use. But to...
  • PaulStoffregen
    You might also consider using analogWriteFrequency() in setup(), so your PWM outputs are at the specific frequency you want. Details here: I see you wrote "written identically to pin 28 and pin 29". I...
  • PaulStoffregen
    I don't understand why you would call analogWrite() every time loop runs. The PWM output will continue updating indefinitely, so you need to call analogWrite() when you want to change the output. Likewise, why delay for 1 second? You'll only...
  • PaulStoffregen
    This really should work. Any chance the wire colors aren't matched up to the corresponding pins inside the cable? (for example, white and green really connected to GND and +5V)
  • PaulStoffregen
    Unfortunately, no. Nobody can really give a clear definitive answer about what happened, or even might have happened. First, we just don't know enough. We can't see what type of motor you're using. Maybe it's something very small like on this...
  • PaulStoffregen
    OctoWS2811 on Teensy 4 is probably the most complicated DMA of any library. You'd probably be better off reading the DMA code from a much simpler library, like WS2812Serial. To answer this specific question, 16K is the distance between each of...
    • 1714153880524.png
  • PaulStoffregen
    PaulStoffregen replied to the thread PWM Voltage Conversion.
    I don't understand the reluctance to use a proper 5V tolerant buffer chip. For 3 signals, you'd need 1 chip and 1 decoupling capacitor for good quality results. Seems better than using 6 parts for marginal quality waveforms.
  • PaulStoffregen
    PaulStoffregen replied to the thread PWM Voltage Conversion.
    This circuit has some limitations which may or may not be a problem. Understanding the issues can help you to anticipate whether it will work well enough, or if those limitations will cause problems. The main issue is the diode's forward...
  • PaulStoffregen
    Yes, this is expected behavior. If you leave any record queue active but your program doesn't remove the data, incoming audio quickly uses up the available memory. It is not a bug in the audio library. This is the way queues work.
  • PaulStoffregen
    I've committed a fix on github. Sadly, this library isn't tested by my script that tries to compile all examples from all libraries because these...
  • PaulStoffregen
    If you want me to investigate, please post another complete program to demonstrate the problem. Even if the change from the code you showed in msg #5 is trivial, I need you to understand I have a long history of wasting time not able to...
  • PaulStoffregen
    For the sake of testing, I'd try allocating many more blocks, like 100. Then if you see your usage is in the 90s, you'll know one or more of the queues is hogging memory.
  • PaulStoffregen
    Try using AudioMemoryUsage() to monitor how many of the 10 audio memory blocks are used up. Or use AudioMemoryUsageMax() to check whether you have at any point used up all the memory. My guess, admittedly from only a quick glace at your code, is...
  • PaulStoffregen
    To configure the input pins, you'll need to write to the mux registers and also the select input registers. IOMUXC_SW_MUX_CTL_PAD_GPIO_AD_B1_02 IOMUXC_SW_MUX_CTL_PAD_GPIO_AD_B1_03 IOMUXC_SW_MUX_CTL_PAD_GPIO_AD_B1_04...
  • PaulStoffregen
    One small gotcha... before you access any of the GPT2 registers, enable its clocks by setting the CCM_CCGR0_GPT2_BUS and CCM_CCGR0_GPT2_SERIAL bits in the CCM registers.
  • PaulStoffregen
    Some pin mapping info which might help: GPT2_CLK is on pin 14 (AD_B1_02 mux = ALT8) GPT2_CAPTURE1 is on pin 15 (AD_B1_03 mux = ALT8) GPT2_CAPTURE2 is on pin 40 (AD_B1_04 mux = ALT8) - Teensy 4.1 only
  • PaulStoffregen
    Quick answers I believe the GPT timers might able to do this. In the reference manual, see Figure 52-2 on page 3015, and section 52.3.1 on page 3016. The GPT timers are also 32 bits wide, which is much simpler than dealing with only 16 bits...
  • PaulStoffregen
    I don't see any connection in this diagram between Teensy and the dual motor driver. Assuming there is indeed a connection for Teensy to control the motors, check the GND wire. Perhaps GND is not properly connected between them? And maybe that...
  • PaulStoffregen
    Usually when that happens to me its the wiring. On quick review looks like you have RST got to 3,3v so either have RST set to 255 or hook it up to pin 3. Looks like you have pin 3 going to one of the touch pins? I would start by not hooking up...
  • PaulStoffregen
    Each open source library has license terms which allow you to the use the code. Usually this can be found in the comments at the beginning of the code. Some have a separate license file. I need to emphasize the official word is in those...
  • PaulStoffregen
    Basically, luck. As I tried to explain on that other thread, the U2 chip is never meant to be desoldered and used this way. The behavior is undefined. It might work, might fail, might partially work, might be unreliable.
  • PaulStoffregen
    Does "bootloader chip from a teensy 4.1 dev board" mean you desoldered and reused the chip from an actual Teensy 4.1 circuit board, or you purchased this T4 bootloader chip? Either way, 2 blinks means the JTAG connection is not working at all...
  • PaulStoffregen
    Would love to show this on the website. Any chance for a photo showing the hardware connection with MicroMod and with Teensy 4.1?
  • PaulStoffregen
    Article posted on the website
  • PaulStoffregen
    Was this circuit board ever built? Do you have any photos, especially any photo or video of the LEDs in use?
  • PaulStoffregen
    Quick followup on this old project... is it still in development, or was it replaced with Microcosmos?
  • PaulStoffregen
    Thanks for measuring the high-res sine wave! I've often idly wondered this. Turns out the linear interpolation on table lookup is pretty good. Would be interesting to know if the excessive Taylor Series approach make a difference with a higher...
  • PaulStoffregen
    This sounds like a really awesome project. I want to help, but to give specific electronics troubleshooting advice requires seeing a lot more detail. Photos and schematics or clear diagrams are best. Small but complete test code also really...
  • PaulStoffregen
    Posted to the website today
  • PaulStoffregen
    PaulStoffregen replied to the thread Teensy 3.2.
    Teensy 3.2 is discontinued. Some people still want them for old designs, where paying 3X or even 10X the original price might be less bad option than having to update or redesign. This is especially true for applications where the original...
  • PaulStoffregen
    I'm guessing you've already seen section "Power Up Sequence" on this page. Difficult to guess what happened with your board. Perhaps pin 4 on the voltage regulator was the issue? Normally U4 is...
  • PaulStoffregen
    4 blinks usually means a problem with the crystal. Details here (scroll down to "Troubleshooting & Diagnostic Blink Codes")
  • PaulStoffregen
    The red LED blinks in several ways. If you are seeing a slow steady blink (on time same as off time) repeating continuously (no pattern of blinks separated by a longer time with the LED off), this means your Teensy went into bootloader mode but...
  • PaulStoffregen
    I copied your code into Arduino IDE. But it does not compile for Teensy 3.6 or Teensy 4.1. Error is regarding use of Keypad library. Maybe you're using an old copy of Arduino IDE or Teensyduino? Or perhaps some other software?
  • PaulStoffregen
    Posted on the website today
  • PaulStoffregen
    Since a Teensy 4.x is so fast, I would add a delayMicroseconds(1); after the clockpin going low as well, like so: uint32_t SPIencoder::readRegister(void){ // Initiate variables uint8_t inputstream = 0; int outputVal = 0; uint8_t...
  • PaulStoffregen
    To troubleshoot, try adding delay at startup to give enough time for the USB enumeration to complete. Usually 1.5 seconds is enough for Linux. You might need 2.5 seconds or more for Windows. If the problem is happening inside a C++...
  • PaulStoffregen
    Programs which crash too early do this. Please try loading a simple "Hello World" program, without FreeRTOS and CAN libraries, just to confirm the upload process and serial monitor are still working. If not, please try testing with Arduino IDE.
  • PaulStoffregen
    10 inches is probably fine if you use shielded cable or twisted pair or even just 2 conductors held close together. What actually happens will really depend on whether your environment has something noisy which tends to couple to the wires...
  • PaulStoffregen
    As usual for blog articles, shout-out on 4 social networks
  • PaulStoffregen
    Let's continue any conversation about BitByte on your other thread. I'm going to close this prior thread.
  • PaulStoffregen
    Article posted on the website today. Hopefully it helps your Kickstarter campaign! :) I see you have another older thread...
  • PaulStoffregen
    Article posted on the website today. Hopefully it helps your Kickstarter campaign! :)
  • PaulStoffregen
    I'm glad the FPU is working for you!
  • PaulStoffregen
    Any chance you might share the project or at least photos? Would probably be useful for others. And even if you're not looking to share the code and circuit details, just photos (or a cell phone video uploaded to youtube) and basic info could...
  • PaulStoffregen
    Which Teensy model are you using? I see you're doing float math as 64 bit double, even though you store the results into 32 bit float. Especially if using Teensy 3.2 which lacks FPU, use sinf() rather than sin().
  • PaulStoffregen
    Please check which version of Teensyduino you have installed. If using Arduino IDE 2.x.x, click Boards Manager and type "teensy" in search. If using Arduino IDE 1.8.x, click Help > About. Indeed this was needed with older versions. Before...
  • PaulStoffregen
    You could find the _reboot_Teensyduino_() function and delete its code. Finding the correct file on your hard drive can be a challenge. Pay attention to the folder name, as separate code is used for Teensy 3.x vs Teensy 4.x, and you might have...
  • PaulStoffregen
    You might consider this line when millis() grows to more than 23 bits (the size of float mantissa), which takes a little over 2 hours. float tempo = (float)millis()*0.003f; You'll gradually lose millis precision. Maybe that matters, or...