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    • P
      Transdimensional is a fancy name for a way to simplify the use of very complicated synthesis algorithm. It is a kind of morphing that takes care of navigating through the synthesis parameter hyperspace. This first synth navigates in a 54...
    • P
      https://docs.arduino.cc/software/ide-v1/tutorials/installing-libraries/ Scroll down to the Manual Installation section and follow the steps. Works with the IDE v2, too:
      • ard_lib.png
    • P
      New synth related addition: Atari Pokey Bass Sounds This very distinct, raw and percussive bass sound often (always?) used in Atari chip tune music is a rhythmic core of many iconic tracks, like the ones by David Whittaker: Here is my attempt...
      • pulseseq_wave.png
    • P
      Pio reacted to pd0lew's post in the thread Frequency doubler for lockin amplifier with Like Like.
      This is the story from a PhD student who uses the awesome Teensy 4.0. Big thanks to Joe Pasquariello who made this possible. As attached some pictures. Best, Johan Explained by student --------------------------------------------------- My...
    • P
      VoiceMixer added to the library, including GUI: https://github.com/hexeguitar/hexefx_audiolib_i16
    • P
      The simplest way using the already available blocks in the audio library would be to take a AudioSynthWaveformDc, plug it into AudioSynthWaveformModulated as the oscillator and update the frequency by setting the DC value + ramp time.
    • P
      Pio replied to the thread Stereo guitar/bass cabinet emulation.
      There has been a bug in the reverbSC (PSRAM detection), resulting in crash. It's fixed now. Maybe it was it? I don't have the rev D Audio board, but something compatible. Just successfully ran the full TGX4 project on Teensy4.0 + SGTL5000. The...
    • P
      Not sure yet if this will be the final version, but here is an idea for the volume modulation mixing: the output value range will have to fit into 0.0-1.0 range. Volume going negative will deform the waveform and invert the phase. I'd like to...
      • t4synth_mod_emualtor.png
    • P
      I'm not done yet :) Just got the basic version working. Thanks for the input! Definitely good points.
    • P
      VoiceMixer is getting two new inputs for modulation: It's going to simplify adding a tremolo and auto-panner effects. Modulation inputs can be disabled. The input range is positive only, the LFOs need offset 0.5 + amplitude 0.5 to operate in...
      • voicemixer_LFos.png
    • P
      Coming soon: VoiceMixer, based on the stock 4 channel mixer, but with following changes: 8 input mono channels for oscillator outputs all mixed into stereo output each channel has gain and panorama controls. One mixer instead of 3 for an 8...
      • voiceMixer.png
    • P
      I have uploaded your project to my T4.1+PSRAM device and apart from file name mismatched (capital 1st letter, fails on Linux) everything seems to work fine. I haven't changed anything else. I'm getting a very unpleasant clicks over USB audio...
    • P
      A small note about this: free() will internally check if the argument is NULL so you don't need to explicitly do it beforehand.
    • P
      You're right about the delay block. I forgot members of a class are initialized only if there is a constructor, even a default one. AudioBasicDelay class did not have one, so it tried to free a buffer at some random address. Freeing the buffer...
    • P
      Nice! Have fun! I've also started working on a 8 voice poly-synth based on this one: https://github.com/jmechnich/TeensySynth I guess, there will be more synth related components in this library. One idea i'd like to implement is an envelope...
    • P
      After a bit of testing: 1. If i try the reverb_i16 outside the Synth class it works. 2. reverb_i16 used inside the Synth class result in a boot loop. This is probably why it shows Errno6. I think the problem is caused by spreading the object...
    • P
      Glad to hear it's being used. Hope these add-ons will be easier to incorporate with the gui tool.
    • P
      @Pio: Likewise, I added your Stereo Reverb SC to my TeensyMIDIPolySynth (TMPS) & the resulting sound is excellent (it is also much more processor efficient than anything else I had tried) !! I had previously experimented with several other...
    • P
      Pio replied to the thread Codec upgrade advice needed.
      ES8388, plenty in stock at lcsc, since it's a local manufacturer. The ESP32 Lyra audio boards use these. Specs wise might not be as good as WM8731, but it's a versatile chip: I've written a 24bit driver for the floating point lib version some...
      • es8388.png
    • P
      Thanks for your work on this pio, adding your reverb to my synth project sounds great and super easy to do with the int 16 version.
    • P
      New additions: Stereo 12 Stage Phaser (no demo project yet) GUI Here is a short sample of the phaser used in a simple synth project. The stereo spread function, showed at the end, adds a phase shift between the left and right modulation waveform.
    • P
      The circuit with the NJFET will work with with the MIC input only, because it has a drain/biasing resistor built in. For the line input that resistor will have to be added. A quick simulation shows, that such a circuit built with J201 NJFET (or...
      • piezo_preamp_sim.png
      • piezo_preamp_mic.gif
      • piezo_preamp_cmult.gif
    • P
      Pio replied to the thread Stereo guitar/bass cabinet emulation.
      New library update: added stereo IR Cabinet Emulator with IRs loaded from an SD card (developed for the above T-CAB pedal) added html editor: https://hexeguitar.github.io/hexefx_audiolib_F32/gui/index.html
    • P
      Mic input will be even worse in that regard. This might work as a crude and lo-fi solution (piezo is used as sensor there, not a mic) if plugged into the mic input. https://www.chair.audio/diy-piezo-preamp/ I'd increase R1 to 470k.
    • P
      I tend to think it won't. It can be tested, though, assuming Teensy is powered from the 9V battery + DC-DC: 1. Unplug the piezo preamp output from the Teensy Line in. Connect the Teensy audio Line outputs to the amp/audio interface to hear the...
    • P
      Ground loops usually create a constant low frequency hum, not a high pitched clicks, which also are synced to the SD card reads. It sounds like a poor power decoupling. One potential weak point for the grounding might be the Jack Ring + battery...
      • gpwr.gif
    • P
      I have just tried it and it compiles fine if the lib_deps is commented out, using the audio lib that comes with the teensy core. Is there a reason to have it included via lib_deps?
    • P
      Pio replied to the thread OpAmp and Teensy 4.1.
      The value of the capacitor sets the cutoff frequency of the filter. With R5 = 23.9k and C = 10n the cutoff is at about 666Hz, which i think is ok, way below the PWM frequency. 180pF will shift it up to ~37kHz, thus, assuming the f_pwm is 4.5kHz...
    • P
      Pio replied to the thread OpAmp and Teensy 4.1.
      @jonweisw2 I'd go with the TI proposed circuit. One advantage is it has a higher input impedance as the 2 inverting stages from the schematic you posted. This gives more flexibility when adding a filter in front of the circuit. As an example...
      • pwmDAC_voltageScaler.png
    • P
      Pio replied to the thread OpAmp and Teensy 4.1.
      PWM output is lacking a lowpass filter to create a DC voltage. Right now the circuit tries to convert a pulsed pwm signal from 0-3.3V range to -10 to +10V. What is measured is a chopped high frequency square wave using, presumably a dc voltage...
    • P
      Pio reacted to MrCanvas's post in the thread SidMaster 2k, updated with Like Like.
      As this part of the forum isn't that busy, I'll post an update. Inspired by PositionHigh and other legends I made a remote UI application using webSerial. This was actually very easy since I already have a "display module" that communicates with...
    • P
      Tested in practice in this project. Small add on board to use the 4bit SDIO directly on the Teensy4.0 at the cost of the usb host pads, Kicad 8 project including gerbers. https://github.com/hexeguitar/Teensy40_SDIO_adapter
    • P
      What is the type of the current_time and save_counter ? One way to test it deeper would be to grab the micros() value around the write and flush to see how much time it takes to execute these functions and which one is causing problems. A...
    • P
      If anyone would like to try a new interesting reverbs and a modulated ping-pong delay with the standard Teensy Audio Library i've ported a few effects: https://github.com/hexeguitar/hexefx_audiolib_i16 Right now there are 4 effects available...
    • P
      I was looking for a neat solution for the bypass system. Came up with a new function which takes pointers to the received or created audio blocks, checks them against NULL and generates silence blocks if necessary. This way the same bypass...
    • P
      You are right. The blocks are writable, each channel needs a separate block of silence to be processed. I have a fix, just needs a bit more testing. Will push it next week.
    • P
      It looks like the noise has the same length as the samples. They do have some silence at the end with snare being the longest. Did you have the audio adapter board connected to the teensy using wires + breadboard or was it plugged into teensy...
    • P
      I think i know what is causing it. I've always used the reverb in real time processing, using the i2s input. It ensures there is always a stream of input data. An oscillator + envelope send Null blocks of audio data when the Note is off and that...
    • P
      Try to execute the play commands with disabled interrupts, like this: void loop() { __disable_irq(); playMem1.play(AudioSampleKick); __enable_irq(); delay(2000); __disable_irq(); playMem2.play(AudioSampleSnare)...
    • P
      Does it happen if you play the snare again instead of the hihat as the last sample? What if you play the hihat using playMem1 instead of playMem2? After loading the samples into audacity, normalizing, there are tiny ~regular glitches visible in...
      • kickdrum_cmp.png
      • kickdrum_cmp2.png
    • P
      Pio replied to the thread Stereo guitar/bass cabinet emulation.
      I think the T-CAB is almost finished, at least with the dedicated hardware. As with TGX4 i'd like to add an option to compile it for the Teensy4 + Audio Adapter board, with a slower SD (SPI only) interface. The LOAD button will be renamed...
      • T-CAB_1.jpg
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