Po Ting
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    • Po Ting
      Hello, very thank you I've never used RTC in T4 before, and not used in my project, what extra hardward/software or library setup is needed? Do you have an example such as blink working with minimal hardware, or using systick like snooze used...
    • Po Ting
      Sadly the snooze isn't fully supported in T4 IMO, not sure if it would be there later, or does anyone had a solution?
    • Po Ting
      Po Ting replied to the thread T4.0 DMASPI not working:.
      I have no idea how ARM C7 works or why 😂😂 , Just accidentally found the solution somewhere in another DMA library. So glad I can keep my DMASPI as it is much faster. My code probably would work fine in my previous 3.6 and LC hardward, just...
    • Po Ting
      Po Ting replied to the thread T4.0 DMASPI not working:.
      referring to "https://forum.pjrc.com/index.php?threads/bug-in-arm_dcache_delete.68100/" not sure what bug but removing "DMAMEM" in "DMAMEM byte address[DMASIZE];" fixes the problem.... and makes the LED updates will report later if all else works
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