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    • R
      r00n replied to the thread v trigger and arduino code.
      attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(drumPin1), playDrum1, RISING); much better :)
    • R
      r00n replied to the thread v trigger and arduino code.
      void loop() { drum1.frequency(map(analogRead(pot1pin),0,1023,20,150)); if (digitalRead(drumPin1) == HIGH) drum1.noteOn(); } So it appears that the trigger is just like a button and i have to debounce it, in a way. I think i can do...
    • R
      Howdy I am attempting to use the teensy 3.6 to create some rhythms that will sound on voltage triggers. When a HIGH on the input pin the drum1.noteOn(); does the trick. I have a problem that I am certain that is answered already. As...
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