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    • R
      revati replied to the thread Freertos with teensy 4.0.
      can2 is writing and can2 is reading that is not possible?
    • R
      It doesn't help. Same output I am getting.
    • R
      revati replied to the thread Freertos with teensy 4.0.
      I am trying to write to can2 and after that trying to read from can2, but I am not able to read through can2. what can be possible reason? output I am getting is for some time it is printing sent after sending successful can message but after...
    • R
      This code i am flashing on teensy 4.0 board #include <FlexCAN_T4.h> FlexCAN_T4<CAN1, RX_SIZE_256, TX_SIZE_16> Can1; FlexCAN_T4<CAN2, RX_SIZE_256, TX_SIZE_16> Can2; static CAN_message_t msg; static CAN_message_t inMsg; void setup(void) {...
    • R
      Hi all, I am working on teensy 4.0 board communicating with CAN controller. First when i tried to communicate between 2 CAN controllers I was able to read and write message through CAN controller .but again i am trying to do i am not able to...
    • R
      revati replied to the thread Freertos with teensy 4.0.
      in FLEXCAN library where pins are defined for rx and tx for can0 and can1?
    • R
      revati replied to the thread Freertos with teensy 4.0.
      I have connected CANH and CANL wires of both controllers to each other and connected both boards to USB.
    • R
      revati replied to the thread Freertos with teensy 4.0.
      Individually both CAN controllers are working fine (one connected to Arduino uno and other to teensy 4.0) but when I want to communicate between the two boards it is not happening.
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