The RPI being used is 64 bit, and the OS installed is the 32 bit version because there are certain programs that need it that way. Would this cause the problem?
It's strange that Arduino IDE managed to compile the sketch after doing what I've...
This the output of uname -m:
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ ldd .arduino15/packages/teensy/tools/teensy-compile/11.3.1/arm/bin/arm-none-eabi-g++
not a dynamic executable
pi@raspberrypi:~ $
pi@raspberrypi:~ $...
This is the output, looks like the file you refer to exists:
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ ls .arduino15/packages/teensy/tools/teensy-compile/11.3.1/arm/bin/
arm-none-eabi-addr2line arm-none-eabi-gcc arm-none-eabi-gdb...
The original command and output are in verbose mode ('-v' at the end of the command). I have put the entire output of the command in post #1. I guess the screenshot below is 'proof' 🙃:
There is stuff in there:
I tried reinstalling the teensy board using arduino-cli like so (yes, the board url has been placed in ~/.arduino15/arduino-cli.yaml):
I first ran:
arduino-cli core uninstall teensy:avr
arduino-cli core install teensy:avr...
Yes, the udev rules are in place, but I don't think it should matter as the command is only compiling the sketch, and I think udev rules would come into the picture during the upload process.
I know for a fact that arduino-cli...
I am trying to upload a sketch to a Teensy 4.1 on a raspberry pi running raspbian bullseye using arduino-cli, however it throws an error:
Command used:
arduino-cli compile HardwareTest.ino --output-dir Build/ --fqbn teensy:avr:teensy41 -v...
Hi, I have two Teensy 4.1s connected to my computer, and the following command automatically chooses one to upload the .hex file to (I want to upload it to a different one):
teensy_loader_cli -w </path/to/sketch.ino.hex> --mcu=TEENSY41 -sv