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      smuscat replied to the thread Two-interval timer coding.
      Dear joepasquariello, Big thank you, I amended as adviced and worked Saviour
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      smuscat reacted to joepasquariello's post in the thread Two-interval timer coding with Like Like.
      Without doing any detailed review, it looks like your Timer1 handler PID() function will take much longer than 1 ms to execute, so if you try to call that every 1 ms, nothing else will ever get a chance to run. As a test, try slowing it down to...
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      Hello, I am trying to setup two interval timers working at the same time. I read the article found in the link: https://www.pjrc.com/teensy/td_timing_IntervalTimer.html, I copied and pasted the code and it worked fine. Currently, I am trying to...
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