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    • S
      Spyy replied to the thread Teensy with arduino-cli and make.
      Sorry, shawn it was not my intention to ignore anyones suggestions here....sorry for this....was faster with trying things and writing here.... Do not be angry with me....
    • S
      Spyy replied to the thread Teensy with arduino-cli and make.
      ...after some testing i found this works (monitored the changes when the parameter where changed in the IDE)... SPEED := speed=528,opt=o3std => 528Mhz and fastest BOARD = teensy:avr:teensy41:$(SPEED) => So it seems it is possible to add somthing...
    • S
      Spyy replied to the thread Teensy with arduino-cli and make.
      Ah, wow thank you, will try.... And what about adding some defines (like this -DTEENSYDUINO=159) to control the #ifdef ?
    • S
      Hi, i need a little help regarding compiling for Teensy and influencing the given "parameter" e.g. CPU speed. Make is up and running fine arduino-cli is up and running fine I have also installed the Arduino IDE 2.3.3 What i want to do is...
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