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      Tabbourg replied to the thread Low-pass filter problem.
      Thank you. I'm a complete newbie and have been a bit overwhelmed by all the new terms and ideas.
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      Tabbourg reacted to AndyA's post in the thread Low-pass filter problem with Like Like.
      FTDI make a series of cables that are TTL level UARTs (So suitable for connection directly to a teensy serial port) on one end and USB-A on the other. To the PC they appear to be a COM port just like any other serial device. This would allow you...
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      Tabbourg replied to the thread Low-pass filter problem.
      That's good to know. Can you provide more details?
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      Tabbourg replied to the thread Low-pass filter problem.
      The two Teensy are connected to separate hosts that only have usb-a ports. I asked for advice on the basic idea in another thread before starting and got zero replies. If the setup is bad/dumb it is because I have no experience. This is my first...
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      Tabbourg replied to the thread Low-pass filter problem.
      Cool, I'll try that. Thanks guys.
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      Tabbourg replied to the thread Low-pass filter problem.
      This sounds like it might be my issue, but I don't know enough electrical engineering to understand what you said or how to apply it. Will connecting the right Teensy's ground to left Teensy's ground fix it?
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      Tabbourg replied to the thread Low-pass filter problem.
      They are also connected on digital outputs 0-3 from Teensy #1 going to digital inputs 0-3 on Teensy #2. My problem is, both of my analog inputs on Teensy #2 are getting a value of about 600 when any of the digital outputs 0-3 from Teensy #1 are...
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      Tabbourg replied to the thread Low-pass filter problem.
      The Teensy running SerialReceive.ino takes serial input over usb from my phone and the Teensy running GamepadSend.ino takes that input and sends gamepad output to my PC. I ultimately want to use my phone as a gamepad with no drivers/software on...
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      I'm trying to use two teensy 4.0 microcontrollers to translate serial data to gamepad outputs. I have one teensy taking serial data from one host over USB and sending it to the other teensy using the pins which sends the gamepad output to another...
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