Yeah that window is likely too small for a Teensy... The pins are only rated for ~200MHz, and using an interrupt is definitely out of the question when instructions take longer than 1ns.
If I understand what the OP means here, it can be done by with a QTMR, interrupting on input capture and then setting an output compare some number of clocks ahead of the capture value. The output compare match can trigger the output signal high...
Using the Qtimer hardware would probably give the most repeatable result, since it's not affected by CPU issues like bus latency, branch prediction, etc.
But the timers run from the peripheral clock which is 150 MHz, not 600 MHz, so you should...
Start with the audio library tutorial.
Maybe skip past section 1 and go right to using the design tool. There's also a full walkthrough video if you'd prefer to watch & listen rather than...
Hi everyone! I am trying to set up a high-speed stroboscopic imaging setup, where I am using a 10ns pulsed green laser to illuminate a falling particle. For this to be consistent, I need to be able to trigger the green laser and camera with ~10ns...