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    • T
      Go ahead and be picky. I appreciate it. I used to work at the Nucular Regulatory Commision on seismic saftey of reactors. . Now that was pickey. I like the seismometer with laser sensors. That is a class act! I do not know how the more...
    • T
      Ed Thanks for the info. Conviniently, in this application, processing of the data is post collection. I think that will help. These signals are "tame" audio of realtively constatn magnitude. Frequency varies over a known relatively tight...
    • T
      Ed Thank you very much! This is very much a stop gap measure. I am operating with a "optimize later" philosophy. I agree with you re that the eventual digitization should be with a dedicated chip. I have quite a few ADS8866s around. They...
    • T
      I am working with a local professor to make an opensource proton precession magnetometer and will try to use the audio board. A proton precession magnetometer is a small NMR. It is used to measure the earths magnetic field. A magnetic field...
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