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  1. mjs513

    Call to arms | Teensy + SDRAM = true

    Was playing around jpegdec library and did a comparison of using PROGMEM vs SDRAM (running at 198Mhz) FLash TEST full sized decode in 28350 us half sized decode in 21260 us quarter sized decode in 7320 us eighth sized decode in 6104 us SDRAM TEST 56010 full sized decode in 28208 us half sized...
  2. mjs513

    Call to arms | Teensy + SDRAM = true

    That was an interesting forum post especially if you read all the way through it. The fix they recommended was basically to change both BCMRX registers to 0x81. Doing that // TODO...
  3. mjs513

    Call to arms | Teensy + SDRAM = true

    Ok folks got the SDRAM adapter board setup and running with a OV5640 @VGA with a few caveats. When I first hooked it up the camera clock is was set at 10Mhz which works nicely with a regular Micromod. However, with SDRAM and using SDRAM: without DMA it gets a bit better: After some...
  4. mjs513

    TFT Screen powers up and does nothing else

    Usually when that happens to me its the wiring. On quick review looks like you have RST got to 3,3v so either have RST set to 255 or hook it up to pin 3. Looks like you have pin 3 going to one of the touch pins? I would start by not hooking up anything else except the display first to make...
  5. mjs513

    New Camera Library for Teensy Micromod/4.1

    While @KurtE has been busy with CSI we also been playing with the OV5640 5MB camera which we got from Adrafruit: for the most part it was compatible with Flexio that we used for the OV2640 but of course lib had to change for common functions such as...
  6. mjs513

    Call to arms | Teensy + SDRAM = true

    Here is a slightly updated version of the spreadsheet that I currently have:
  7. mjs513

    Call to arms | Teensy + SDRAM = true

    @wwatson Really nice job and alot of testing to find the issue!!!! Nice that you got the three branches set up - at least for SPI probably keeps it cleaner. Still waiting for my lcd/camera shield to test with the SDRAM board - hopefully today. Yesterday we got the OV5640 working for quite a...
  8. mjs513

    Call to arms | Teensy + SDRAM = true

    Quick answer is yes. in one of the conversation posts I listed them as well: which is the same on your list.
  9. mjs513

    Call to arms | Teensy + SDRAM = true

    Ditto since I am using @KurtE's mods - makes life a lot easier
  10. mjs513

    Call to arms | Teensy + SDRAM = true

    One question did you bring out the csi pins?
  11. mjs513

    Call to arms | Teensy + SDRAM = true

    Wow you been busy!!! Nice job
  12. mjs513

    Call to arms | Teensy + SDRAM = true

    Testing the different cameras on the SDRAM board became problematic - not sure if wiring/connector issue but alot of problems we were seeing was with the wiring as @KurtE mentioned on the camera thread about wiring. So we decided to make a adapter board for the displays and camera. Should have...
  13. mjs513

    Magnetic Encoder not working with teensy 4.1 but is with teensy 3.2

    Don't know much about this encoder to be honest but my guess the problem could be with the delays in this function: uint32_t SPIencoder::readRegister(void){ // Initiate variables uint8_t inputstream = 0; int outputVal = 0; uint8_t nbitsRead = _nbits + statbits; // Pull down...
  14. mjs513

    New Camera Library for Teensy Micromod/4.1

    Thanks Kurt - probably should add some of this to the repo on the examples :) Anyway for those of you that don't know about the projects I mentioned earlier, they all use single class, #include "Camera.h", to call the different cameras and if a specific method isn't supported it will either...
  15. mjs513

    New Camera Library for Teensy Micromod/4.1

    To give you an idea ran the OV2640 camera using the Aducam at SVGA resolution with an antique special effect in jpeg format Same JPEG image downsampled on a ILI9341:
  16. mjs513

    New Camera Library for Teensy Micromod/4.1

    @KurtE and I have been at it again. This time creating a library that supports a number Arducam/Arduino camera modules: Model FrameSizes Pixel Formats Omnivision OV2640 FRAMESIZE_VGA //640x480 FRAMESIZE_QQVGA, // 160x120 FRAMESIZE_QVGA, // 320x240...
  17. mjs513

    LittleFS_QPINAND::getMediaName() broken

    @PaulStoffregen Updated existing PR for this fix. Did run @defragsters QPINAND data integrity sketch and all appears working. Did notice that there are a few outstading PRs against LittleFS that were never incorporated. Probably should be updated. FYI: used my old test board:
  18. mjs513

    LittleFS_QPINAND::getMediaName() broken

    Just a follow up - looks like the cmd 8 needs to be initialialized, so the new function should read: const char * LittleFS_QPINAND::getMediaName(){ uint8_t buf[5] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; // cmd index 8 = read ID bytes FLEXSPI2_LUT32 = LUT0(CMD_SDR, PINS1, 0x9F) | LUT1(READ_SDR, PINS1, 1)...
  19. mjs513

    LittleFS_QPINAND::getMediaName() broken

    Finally got my test board out and can confirm something is wrong - I am seeing the same issue. Without calling getMediaName failing. Its been a while since I worked on this but will see I can remember.
  20. mjs513

    Windows help wanted - trying PJRC's new code signing cert

    Not having much luck on win11 pc. Every time I download. Funny though while I still get the trust issue from MS norton reports hello3 as safe.
  21. mjs513

    Windows help wanted - trying PJRC's new code signing cert

    Downloaded and ran on windows 11 with Norton. Saw the same as @defragster - reported it safe to MS, then said keep anyway with no issues with Norton. Ran hello2.exe and ran fine - and saw the same signature as @PaulS
  22. mjs513

    USBHost_t36 Adding New Joysticks Acting Strangely

    Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. My guess is that it has a different PID/VID than the one I am using or that is covered in the library. Trying to remember how to sort it out. Lets see if we can figure it out though. First you need to be using this library...
  23. mjs513

    High temperature shutdown T4.1

    Think you issue may be that the LEDS are pulling too much current more than anything else. Not sure what LEDS you are using but thermal profile has been looked quite alot. This for instance: If the...
  24. mjs513

    USBHost_t36 Adding New Joysticks Acting Strangely

    This is the controller I have: If you scroll down there are pairing instructions. Think I had to press the button on the controller to pair each session. If the red light is on think it is paired been...
  25. mjs513

    Buydisplay 10.1" TFT in parallel 8080 mode and Teensy FlexIO

    found it in the micromod beta thread.
  26. mjs513

    Buydisplay 10.1" TFT in parallel 8080 mode and Teensy FlexIO

    Not sure this is the latest - couldn't find the updated one - but this should give you an idea.
  27. mjs513

    Call to arms | Teensy + SDRAM = true

    Sorry been distracted today for a bunch of reasons. Reran the tests but added the time to copy the array DMAMEM to EXTMEM: 0 errors, 1010 microseconds to copy DMAMEM to DMAMEM: 0 errors, 319 microseconds to copy RAMMEM to RAMMEM: 0 errors, 68 microseconds to copy RAMMEM to RAMMEM: 0 errors...
  28. mjs513

    Call to arms | Teensy + SDRAM = true

    yep DMAMEM uint16_t array1[(320) * 240] __attribute__((aligned(32))); EXTMEM uint16_t array2[(320) * 240] __attribute__((aligned(32))); int errorCnt = 0; int arraySize = (320 * 240); void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); while (!Serial && millis() < 4000) ; if (CrashReport) {...
  29. mjs513

    Call to arms | Teensy + SDRAM = true

    Just by way of an update @KurtE got the OV7670 and OV7670 video working using the micromod as the test platform. If you try it on the SDRAM something strange is going on. If you use DMAMEM for the framebuffers image is perfect if you use EXTMEM with __attribute__((aligned(32))); not so good...
  30. mjs513

    Call to arms | Teensy + SDRAM = true

    Working on the 7675 next
  31. mjs513

    Call to arms | Teensy + SDRAM = true

    Finally got the HM01B01 camera working again with Teensy. So hooked it up to the SDRAM board using EXTMEM for the Buffer for still images. Did find that if you hook up a display best to use pins 0/1 for dc/rst if you are using 9/8 for other things. The one thing I found is that the Arducm...
  32. mjs513

    Teensyduino 1.59 Released

    Just as a heads up looks like Arduino released an update to the IDE. Went from 2.3.0 to 2.3.1 . Looks like primarily security updates plus a couple of other issues.
  33. mjs513

    Having a heck of a time getting a TFT w/ ST7735 to even compile

    Its not so much the GFX lib but the hooks into their display driver. The T4x (IMXRT1060) use 32bit registers so thats why you are seeing errors: #define portOutputRegister(pin) ((digital_pin_to_info_PGM[(pin)].reg + (uint8_t)0)) cannot convert 'volatile uint32_t*' {aka 'volatile long unsigned...
  34. mjs513

    BNO086 Calibration

    Guess the easy way is to use the Sparfun BNO08x calibration example from their library for the BNO086: Check this doc out as well for further info...
  35. mjs513

    Having a heck of a time getting a TFT w/ ST7735 to even compile

    I would suggest that you use the ST7735_t3 library that is included with the install of Teensyduino. To start I would use the graphicstest sketch that provides examples of the different initializes used to support different versions of the ST7735 and the ST7789. The Adafruit graphics library...
  36. mjs513

    Call to arms | Teensy + SDRAM = true

    Just popped back on line for a few minutes - I agree - its going to Paul;s call to change sm_alloc.
  37. mjs513

    Call to arms | Teensy + SDRAM = true

    Sorry been distracted with getting the HM01B01 working with the micromod board before testing on the SDRAM board. Something changed in the core so had to change a few things. Also incorporated some things learned from the OV7670 testing. More to follow. Anyways right now the way we have been...
  38. mjs513

    Call to arms | Teensy + SDRAM = true

    Somebody did that already for uvc. Do a search on Boson or UVC - here is one of the links:
  39. mjs513

    Call to arms | Teensy + SDRAM = true

    I agree wholeheartedly with that :)
  40. mjs513

    Call to arms | Teensy + SDRAM = true

    Know I am not Kurt but answer to your question is 10: #define OV7670_PLK 8 //8 B1_00 FlexIO2:16 #define OV7670_XCLK 7 //7 B1_01 PWM #define OV7670_HREF 46 //32 B0_12 FlexIO2:12 #define OV7670_VSYNC 21 //33 EMC_07 GPIO #define OV7670_RST 17 // reset...
  41. mjs513

    Tennsy 4.0 and TFT 3.5 INCH

    The library defaults to using SPI pins 11 (MOSI) , 12 (MISO) and SCK (13). The constructor you are using in the ILI9488_t3 library uses the default pins so no need to specify them. Now if you wanted to use a different SPI bus for example you would have to use the full constructor as shown in...
  42. mjs513

    Call to arms | Teensy + SDRAM = true

    was thinking about considering all the wiring involved with the camera and display - think @KurtE pointed all that out. Figured I would wait until the gen5 design came out :)
  43. mjs513

    Teensyduino 1.59 Released

    Downloaded and installed 1.59 on both IDE 2.3.0 and 1.8.19 no issues. Did a few compiles on both with no issues - still having coffee :)
  44. mjs513

    Call to arms | Teensy + SDRAM = true

    Hopefully if you do another rev that has CSI pins broken out we can have the camera as well :) then it would be a Teensy Giga that actually works :)
  45. mjs513

    Call to arms | Teensy + SDRAM = true

    Think that was asked a couple times on the forum but I don't think it would be able to directly drive a HDMI screen. I did play with this thing: a few years ago and it did work with a teensy 4 but you had to mod the software a bit
  46. mjs513

    Teensyduino 1.59 Beta #6

    Downloaded and installed no issues. Compiled and uploaded using our Flexio camera sketch - it uploaded no issues and ran dual serial. So doesn't look like it broke anything - at least yet :)
  47. mjs513

    Call to arms | Teensy + SDRAM = true

    One other thing with the camera and the board I am using is that I had to add 4.7k pullups to SDA/SCL to get the camera to be detected reliably with the sdram board.
  48. mjs513

    Call to arms | Teensy + SDRAM = true

    @KurtE and I have been testing an OV7670 + spi displays (ili9341 and 9488). While testing the camera using extmem was getting what I would call halo effects: Switching to the pixel buffer in DMAMEM that affect clears up drastically. Maybe time for some one to test with cameras and the like...
  49. mjs513

    Teensyduino 1.59 Beta #6

    Just installed - no issues installing using the new URL on IDE 2.2.2 nightly. Ditto for 1.8.19 completed the camera flexio sketch that we have been working on no issues.
  50. mjs513

    Reading from OV7670 using FlexIO

    To be honest TRGSEL should just be 2 * pin index. Was looking at that yesterday.