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  1. S

    Software Serial (USB) parity bit

    Hello, I need to implement a particular serial comm protocol and I need to be able to set the parity bit. Moreover, I need to be able to use the "mark/space" settings for this parity bit instead of the more common options "none/odd/even". What's the corresponding library for the virtual (usb)...
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    Emulate two serial ports through the USB connection (Teensy 3.2)

    I'm working on a project (Teensy 3.2) where I need to communicate with two separate apps (different protocols) installed on the same PC. Is it possible to emulate a second virtual COM port through the USB connection?
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    Connecting multiple T3.2 to a remote RPi

    Hello, I need to connect few T3.2 boards to a RPi3. The Teensy boards (three for now but more to come ;) ) are situated in remote locations (10-20m range). I have some RF24 modules available but I do prefer a hard wired connection (as I run some wires for remotely powering the Teensies...
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    OpenTherm protocol

    Hello, Does anyone have any experience with this communication protocol used by some HVAC systems? I'm trying to communicate with my central heating appliance (Remeha boiler) as I don't have a corresponding OpenTherm thermostat. Despite its name, the protocol isn't "open" and I had a hard time...
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    OTA update alternative

    Hello, I need a quick solution for a project (a small robot) but I should be able to reprogramm it over the air. As I'm a big fan of Teensy boards, I'll use one of them (Teensy 3.2) but, as far as I've read, there's no OTA sketch uploading available (due to locked bootstrap or something). ls...
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    Multiple master/slave RF network

    Hello, I want to add some redundancy to one of my projects. Currently I have one Teensy 3.2 board reading some sensors and operating some relays. It sends sensor data to a Raspberry Pi which has a web interface for remote monitoring. For now, the two boards are hardwired (UART connection) but...
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    Center-aligned PWM using FTM

    Hello, I'm using a Teensy 3.1 to generate two PWM signals to drive a Mosfet h-bridge. For now, I'm using an edge-aligned PWM scheme but I'd like to change it for a center-aligned one. As I have a separate circuit for dead time insertion and complementary signal generation, I only need to...
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    Teensy 3.1 is randomly freezing

    [RPi issue] Teensy 3.1 is randomly freezing LATER EDIT: It was a Raspbery Pi (raspbian) issue. Teensy is working just perfect. ;) == Hello, I using Teensy 3.1 as the core of my solar battery charger/monitoring device. It has a serial connection with a Raspberry Pi, used as a remote...
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    Memory problem?

    EDIT: Sorry, there wasn't a real problem (just bad coding).
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    Custom digitalReadFast()

    Hello, As writen in the core_pins.h header file, this is the digitalReadFast() function content: static inline uint8_t digitalReadFast(uint8_t pin) { if (__builtin_constant_p(pin)) { if (pin == 0) { return (CORE_PIN0_PINREG & CORE_PIN0_BITMASK) ? 1 : 0; } else if (pin == 1) {...
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    Need help with FTM settings

    Hello, I need some help to configure the FlexTimer module for this particular scenario: I need to drive some power MOSFETs (H-bridge configuration) using PWM signals with unipolar modulation scheme, to generate a high power AC signal (50 Hz). I need two independent output signals (one for...
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    IntervalTimer tuning

    Hello, I have some questions regarding the IntervalTimer function. I want to use it with increased resolution (nanoseconds) and I want the function to be fired up as faster as it could. This is the IntervalTimer.h file content: /* Copyright (c) 2013 Daniel Gilbert, */...
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    Syncronizing HW timers with SW subroutines

    I need to generate a PWM signal (0-100% modulation) and I want to do different tasks depending on the current PWM modulation rate. By example, reading an analog input when the PWM rate is 25%, writing on a digital pin when the PWM rate is 50% and so on. I also need to be able to switch the...
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    Bookmarks menu

    I don't know if this option could be handled by Paul (Teensyduino) but I really miss a bookmarks/favourites menu in Arduino IDE. I use to open a lot of sketches (old projects, examples, open source projects) and it becomes very difficult to keep browsing/memorising folders and files. Beside...
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    3.3V voltage repeater

    I need to read some Hall effect current sensors (Allegro ACS758 series) thus I have to feed them with the same reference voltage as Teensy 3.1 ADCs. As I'm using a 2x14 pins ZIF socket for Teensy 3.1 module, I can't access the bottom side AREF pin hence I couldn't use an external reference for...
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    Interleaved PWM signals

    I need to generate two PWM signals using Teensy 3.1. The timmings look like that: Actually, the two PWM signals are complementary but there is a deadtime (2us) between rise and fall of each waveform (I need to drive a MOSFET half-bridge so I have to avoid the shoot-through/cross-conduction by...
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    Faster (than) Serial.write()?

    Is there a way to send a byte over USB serial (Teensy 3.1) faster than using Serial.write()? Using micros(), I have measured about 4us for a Serial.write() command (sending one byte). I'm using an IntervalTimer of 2us and I want to put that Serial.write() inside the timer subroutine. Actually...