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  1. D

    How to approach RGB-666 TFT displays

    TTL is simply in the product name, but is not relevant to the question. @Rezo is correct in his reference to one example product. Looking for good existing libraries that might embed a FlexIO implementation under a common graphics library, or a simple dedicated (affordable) hardware solution...
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    How to approach RGB-666 TFT displays

    Every day it seems there are more new, high quality, high-res RGB-666 displays available. Beyond a esp32 board offered by Adafruit, there isn't much out there to make them approachable. Is there a recommended software/hardware approach that would allow me to drive them with a Teensy 4.x...
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    Controlling crash/restart behavior in Teensy 4

    For others using platformIO, I found this to be a reasonable approach to replacing the file: 1) Add a pre-build script to your env [env:teensy_flight_computer] platform = teensy board = teensy40 extra_scripts = 2) Add a python script that can find and make the appropriate...
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    Controlling crash/restart behavior in Teensy 4

    Thanks, Paul! That was a great answer, and I learned quite a bit by reading through the code. Two followup questions: 1) I assume the timers controlling the PWM behavior are no longer operating. The external motor controller interprets the pins as being on a 50hz 2MS duty cycle so probably...
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    Controlling crash/restart behavior in Teensy 4

    I have a remote installation of a Teensy 4 controlling electric motors. Occasionally, the system can crash due to a bug or extremely invalid input situations. This in itself is rare, and the occurrence with self-restart is fine. However, the pins controlling PWM signals output arbitrary data...
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    Teensy 4.1 ethernet hardware failure

    This sounds like a different issue, and potentially a software one. In my case, it is not possible to start a server and it always indicates it is not connected to a live ethernet cable. I recommend trying some of the c++ test examples to see if the client and server ones work.
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    Non-blocking Connect for native ethernet client

    Ah thanks for the quick response. So its lacking from the Arduino "interface"? I'll look into how to implement with FNET. Unfortunately, I will also need to add different implementations for the wifi client I am using when this software runs on an ESP32.
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    Non-blocking Connect for native ethernet client

    I have a Teensy 4.1 device that needs to opportunistically connect to a socket server (Java Netty). I have approached this by simply triggering the connect function on a regular interval, but blocking for a few seconds every 30 seconds while trying a connection (to a non-existent server) is...
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    Teensy 4.1 ethernet hardware failure

    I measured voltage across [R-,R+,T-,T+] during the DHCP handshake attempt when starting a TCP socket server. For this test there was no ethernet adapter connected, just the probes. Clearly a difference between the two. The only other relevant fact I can think of is that I purchased the bad...
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    Teensy 4.1 ethernet hardware failure

    I checked the soldering, it was clean ( I re-heated and wicked around the solders just to check ). If I connect the ribbon cable one position forwards or backwards, the R+ will go into the R- and T+ into T- .. perhaps that could cause damage?
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    Teensy 4.1 ethernet hardware failure

    Thanks for sharing details on how the units are QA tested, very cool. I just tried the web client example that prints a response from Google. This also did not work. I switched the ethernet adapter between the devices and found consistently one teensy worked while the other did not, so it is...
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    Teensy 4.1 ethernet hardware failure

    I am using my own code, but it does use the native ethernet library, some code posted here to pull the device assigned MAC and connects using IP assigned by dhcp . Most importantly, it does work well (no unexpected hanging) on one teensy 4.1, but not at all on the other. If you are using DHCP...
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    Teensy 4.1 ethernet hardware failure

    I have recently started using the Ethernet capabilities of a teensy 4.1 with the PJRC ethernet Kit. I have two devices and one works as expected, but the other always fails, reporting no cable (linkStatus() == LinkOff). I have not done much with the non-functioning unit to have caused the...
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    Disable/reduce wear leveling on Teensy 4

    I plan on using the EEPROM reserved flash memory for storing initialization parameters that require approx 10KB. These parameters will be updated far less often than the code is updated. Probably no more than 20 to 30 times over the life of the device. Is it possible to disable wear leveling...
  15. D but Wireless?

    I am looking for a reliable server/client library for use with a Teensy 3.6 - just like Paul's library for Ethernet over Wiznet chipsets. However, my current use case is on a mobile, battery powered device. What would you all suggest I use (hardware/software) for wireless Ethernet? I will...
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    Teensy 3.5 driving a piezo buzzer

    There is an excellent and very compact piezo driver and piezo speaker combo build by One Horse on Tindie It amplifies from 3.3v (or 5v) at 2x,2x or 3x and implements full +- range with great sound in a smaller size than the smallest piezo speaker
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    Alternate clock speeds in platformio for 3.2/3.5/3.6

    Thanks defragster. To be clear, Teensyduino and its teensy uploader works perfectly. Its a problem with PlatformIO in Windows. Its interested to see Stino being developed again, I abandoned it a year or so when it became unsupported. However, I use PlatformIO for more than my desktop dev...
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    Alternate clock speeds in platformio for 3.2/3.5/3.6

    This does work, thank you blackketter! I do find that, regardless of clock speed, in windows the platformIO upload to teensy3.5/3.6 is unreliable. It relies on manually pressing the button on the Teensy and fails to return the serial port to a usable state. Anyone have better luck in Windows...
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    Alternate clock speeds in platformio for 3.2/3.5/3.6

    Here is an example platformio.ini file configured to build for both 3.5 and 3.6 (normal clock speed) [env:teensy35] platform = teensy board = teensy35 framework = arduino [env:teensy36] platform = teensy board = teensy36 framework = arduino
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    Alternate clock speeds in platformio for 3.2/3.5/3.6

    I am moving much of my work to platformIO, also using the platformIO IDE in Atom. While it is easy to configure for default speeds, I see no options for the overclocked options that may show up in the teensyduino ide. Any suggestions?
  21. D

    Translating Lidar Lite I2C example to Teensy

    After reading through the code and looking at documents for low level mode settings and registers in the LidarLite, I am not sure the code is implemented correctly. The switch to 400khz works (though you can likely run it at higher rates if your comfortable with I2C debugging). The 2 for...
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    Translating Lidar Lite I2C example to Teensy

    Yes, this is not abnormal. If you are using the second generation, variability can be reduced by passing an extra integer parameter that defines how many samples/noise processing strategy to use. I believe "2" gives very low noise. I never quite understood why the variability between...
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    DISPLAY_ILI9341_TOUCH - Displays goes white and unresponsive after hours of operation

    Thanks, not sure how I missed that contact page. Do you think it is possible that I need to complete all the steps of the SD fix, not just bridge J1?
  24. D

    DISPLAY_ILI9341_TOUCH - Displays goes white and unresponsive after hours of operation

    Refreshing this thread as I would want to request a replacement but see know obvious information for returns/replacement on the site? What is the correct way of doing this.
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    DISPLAY_ILI9341_TOUCH - Displays goes white and unresponsive after hours of operation

    Ok, looks like that may have worked, but also disabled touch capability entirely. Worth a shot.
  26. D

    DISPLAY_ILI9341_TOUCH - Displays goes white and unresponsive after hours of operation

    Looks like a pretty straightforward soldering to do/undo, I'll give it a try and see if it helps. Thanks!
  27. D

    DISPLAY_ILI9341_TOUCH - Displays goes white and unresponsive after hours of operation

    I recently ordered one of the DISPLAY_ILI9341_TOUCH from PJRC shop. Both touch and display well for a time, but if I leave a project running, when I return the display is all white and is not longer updating. Sometimes it stays white between resets, usually it returns to proper functionality...
  28. D

    Broke off small resistor on teensy 3.1 - can it be saved? (pic)

    Thanks for the help. Is there a full proof way of translating between the physical layout and the logical layout diagram?
  29. D

    Broke off small resistor on teensy 3.1 - can it be saved? (pic)

    See the damaged part circled. What is it and what effect will it have? Can I fix it?
  30. D

    Translating Lidar Lite I2C example to Teensy

    Updates on my end. 1) My Lidar lite is defective ... over time the noise in its readings grow (from +-3cm to +-30cm) and the duration that it takes to be ready to read grows from the normal 13-14ms to 20 to 25. This is why it freezes for me even when I use less aggressive timings. 2) While...
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    Teensy 3.1 - Correct way to use interrupts on received Serial data

    How do I trigger code to process the read buffer?
  32. D

    Teensy 3.1 - Correct way to use interrupts on received Serial data

    I simply want to see an example of the best practice way to enable the handler. I am comfortable with the code I will put in the handler, probably just read from the buffer and switch a volatile flag for use elsewhere. For what I'm trying to do -- I am controlling a series of actuators that...
  33. D

    Teensy 3.1 - Correct way to use interrupts on received Serial data

    There seem to be a few potential ways to fire an interrupt on data arriving on a Serial port. Which is the most robust/correct way? I am handling three different Serial communications separately Serial1,2,3.
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    Translating Lidar Lite I2C example to Teensy

    I wish this was true for me. I am running it at 20ms intervals and I get a lockup every 5 min or so. I have resorted to quickly switching off/on the 5V supply to the teensy and lidar with a mosfet controlled by a second device (the Edison i am using to process the sensor data).
  35. D

    Should I get misc compile errors when using stl vectors?

    I am writing some basic c++ classes that use the stl "vector" library. When I compile the code in the Arduino environment, i get a compile error dh_controller\dh_controller.cpp.o: In function `std::vector<Controller::Entry, std::allocator<Controller::Entry> >::_M_check_len(unsigned int, char...
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    Translating Lidar Lite I2C example to Teensy

    The I2C_T3 library works on an ATMega chip? The example that ran on my UNO was written by the lidar lite folks and uses the 'Arduino I2C Master Library' from DSS Circuits:
  37. D

    Translating Lidar Lite I2C example to Teensy

    I have found that all update rates can freeze. Anything above 15ms is very unlikely to poll more than once, so this reduces communication over I2C quite a bit, but still eventual freezes for me.
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    Translating Lidar Lite I2C example to Teensy

    Man you're like batman, you have all the cool toys! What would you recommend for my first logic analyzer. I do always have a laptop on my work bench, so a usb managed device seems like a good idea, but I have no idea what is good or bad.
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    Translating Lidar Lite I2C example to Teensy

    Interesting, I suppose that will cause more problems if I have other devices on this I2C connection. Do you mind posting your code?
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    Translating Lidar Lite I2C example to Teensy

    Cool, never tried it outside. If its sending 0 on purpose, then you can ignore the getting sick messages. Big thing is .. has it ever froze in a "C4C4C4...." loop? If not .. please share the magic :) How do you have it wired/powered/...
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    Translating Lidar Lite I2C example to Teensy

    Hmm, that is very good behavior. Its working as expected and your getting a very fast read rate, moving between 3ms per read and 12ms per read. If you swing your arm in front, you should see more slower reads and fewer 3ms reads. How long does it keep this up for??? Quick translation of what...
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    Translating Lidar Lite I2C example to Teensy

    Can you try replacing the delay(15) with delay(1)? this will basically make the program depend on polling the device for ready state and put a bit more activity over I2C. Even better, run the code below (you may likely need to replace Serial1.. with Serial if you are using serial terminal over...
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    Translating Lidar Lite I2C example to Teensy

    Cool, what code are you running specifically?
  44. D

    Translating Lidar Lite I2C example to Teensy

    Interesting work around. Did the device start working on the next query after this (without restarting the teensy)? I used the timeout features of the newer I2C library to avoid a lockup, but the device never works afterwords (even if i push the "EN" input on the lidar down to reset the lidar) .
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    Translating Lidar Lite I2C example to Teensy

    Ok, well this suggests there still is a problem beyond just my teensy. The arduino example polls every 1 ms and never freezes. For me, even at 20ms, it will freeze on the teensy, but it may last a long time. I suggest leaving it running for 30 minutes. Come back and if its still running...
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    Translating Lidar Lite I2C example to Teensy

    Garug, I ran your code and it eventually froze as well. Have you run it for more then a few minutes? A few comments on it, you normally don't need to validate the return value of Wire.write() operations, they aren't actually writing data, just loading it into a transmit buffer. It would...
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    Translating Lidar Lite I2C example to Teensy

    When the device stops responding, 95% of the time it gets stuck in the part of the code that prints "C" with the error code "4". This, according to the I2C library is a catch all error code "Other Error". It is not the Lidar responding with a NACK code.
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    Translating Lidar Lite I2C example to Teensy

    Awesome! I will move on to the next part of my project and wait for news. Last note, running a primitive version with no polling using the Wire.h library also fails over time.
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    Translating Lidar Lite I2C example to Teensy

    Thanks everyone for the help - Im new, have too much to learn and really appreciate it. Paul, also thank you for bringing such an affordable and well featured board. I blew up my first teensy with this Lidar (perhaps because of the voltage spikes?) and could afford to risk breaking another...
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    Translating Lidar Lite I2C example to Teensy

    I think I may have found something. When I plug the Lidar Lite into the 5v Vin (usually powered by USB, but even other sources that can provide more current), the voltage suddenly drops to 4.2-4.4v . The Lidar only draws 80ma at most which seems inline with expectations for this kind of...