A yoke for X-Plane with 2 incremental optical encoders feeding A & B signals to a Teensy 4.1, and 2 DC brush motors providing force feedback

Hallo, I want to build a yoke for X-Plane with 2 incremental optical encoders feeding A & B signals to an Teensy 4.0, and 2 DC brush motors providing the force feedback on the X axis and Y axis. I have two DC brush motors (MCG ID2300-E2 )with a Renco encoder (77822-035) on each shaft, and two BTS 7960 motor controllers. Could you please tell me if this hardware will work together, and where I can get the software to get this system working. I would like this system to show up as a 2 axis joystick in X-Plane and also be recognized a a game controller HID in Windows 10. I tried this with a Arduino Leonardo but I cannot get the second encoder and second axis working, and X-Plane flight with one axis only always ends in a crash. :)
I have been working in a project like this the last year.

I have made a teensy 4.1 central box, with a nokia 5110 display and encoder.
you configure dozens of parameters, depending on the hardware you are using: several kind of motor drivers, encoders, buttons/pots for trims, servos for trim indicators etc..

It works in xplane with "flight sim controls" plugin, or prepar3d/MSFS with FSUIPC. It does not support direct input. I get data from simulator and use my own code to generate forces.

It supports aileron, elevator and rudder axes.

You can see a couple of videos with the system working in xplane and MSFS:

PXL_20230828_113239032 (Mediana).jpg

PXL_20231204_110955135 (Mediana).jpg

This is fantastic. Can you make a similar system for me? How much would you charge for the complete electronics and software? I already have the yoke, + motors etc. If you don't want to make another one, how much would you charge for help and guidance.