Accessing the SdCard with SdFat.h and teensy 3.0

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I have compiled and installed the quickstart program that comes with the SdFat.h lib (newest version) onto my teensy 3.0, however, I cant get past the chip select phase. My adapter is soldered onto the teensy as close to (over) the usb port as possible. The slot faces the same direction as the usb port and all the pins are soldiered.

The chip select pin should be 0, however, I have tried all possible pin numbers and none seem to work.

Is this an issue with my soldering or the software?

Below is a photo

Photo on 2012-12-16 at 15.05.jpg
AFAIK the pins used for SPI are on the other side of the board. This daughterboard was created to be mounted like that on a Teensy2, not a Teensy3.
1) desolder the adapter
2) bridge the 3V jumper with a blob of solder

3) solder wires according to their usage :
+5V goes to 3.3V
Ground goes to GND
MOSI goes to DOUT (pin 11)
MISO Igoes to DIN (pin 12)
SCLK goes to SCK (pin 13)
SS goes to CS0 (pin 10)

the teensy3 led should flash when you try to access the sd-card
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