Are TM1637 displays librairies blocking ?


Well-known member

I use 4-digits 7-segments TM1637 displays in various projects, like MIDI controller (T4.0)
I have encounter very often lags and delays when using these displays.
Before preparing a test code, I wanted to know if you have same problems ?
I suspect the librairies used to drive TM1637 displays to induce some kind of blocking delays...
Any experiences about that ?
Sorry, I have never used these displays, so maybe not much help.
But, If you look at the code, like:

You will see there are a lot of delayMicroseconds,
which I believe most of the bit delays are set to 100us

And it looks like it waits for a response back for each byte output....
THanks Kurt,
I makes sens. I have problems for instance when making MIDI controllers. When playing fast plenty of notes at the same time, it happens that some notes "stuck". And it works well when the library is not loaded.
I 'll try to find another library.