Cannot use any digital outputs except 0-7 on Teensy 4.1 with StandardFirmata & Pduino


Cannot use any digital outputs except 0-7 on Teensy 4.1 with StandardFirmata & Pduino

The title pretty much says it all. I'm using Pduino for PureData, and Teensy 4.1 loaded with StandardFirmata. I have set the pinmode for pins 32-37 to digital out, yet they refuse to output any voltage when I send commands. It works fine for pins 0-7 so I'm kind of baffled. is there a maximum number of output pins with pduino or firmata? Or does anyone know what else could cause this?

I would normally post source code but it's just the StandardFirmata sketch
after further testing.... pins 8-13 also work fine as digital outs. pins 28-37 are the problem pins. they work as digital inputs without issue, but do not work as digital outs. I've also tried it with a second teensy to rule out a bad board... same problem

Please give this copy of Boards.h a try. I ran it with StandardFirmata example talking to firmata_test on Linux. Pins 28-37, at least for outputs connected to LEDs. Didn't try other modes (yet).


  • Boards.h
    55.8 KB · Views: 29