Confused about using ADC (high fixed rate using DMA)


I did read multiple post about ADC, but for me it it al confusing. Not sure how to accomplish what I would like to do.
I'm using the Teensy 4.0.
This is what I would like to do:
- read one analog input (pin A9) at a fixed high (e.g. 500KSamp/s) rate into buffers using DMA (e.g. two buffers in ping-pong mode)
- use an interrupt routine that processes the buffers one by one

When reading the posts more and more questions pop up:
- do I need the library from Pedvide? Or is the standard Teensy library enough?
- how to set a fixed sample rate? (what is the speed of setSamplingSpeed(ADC_SAMPLING_SPEED::VERY_HIGH_SPEED)?)
- how to write the samples to a DMA buffer and get interrupts with a pointer to a filled buffer?

I'm willing to learn, but currently I'm confused and does not know where to start.
Any advice is welcome!